In addition to promoting the importance of bequests to the good works of the Church, the Bequest Committee wants to make sure proper recognition is awarded to those individuals who have made a bequest to the Archdiocese and, where appropriate, to their families.
The Bishop Murphy Society has been established to honour the generosity of those individuals who have pledged a bequest for any of the good works of the Adelaide Archdiocese. The Society is a way we can recognise individuals now for their contribution to our future.
Bishop Murphy Society is named in honour of Bishop Francis Murphy, the first Catholic Bishop of Adelaide (1844-1858).
When Bishop Murphy arrived in Adelaide there was no church, school or presbytery and only one priest to assist him.
Bishop Murphy set about tirelessly raising funds to build schools and churches. In 1856 he began the building of St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral, the oldest Catholic Cathedral in Australia, but he died before its completion. Burials within the city square mile of Adelaide are prohibited but special permission was granted to allow the Bishop to be buried in the Cathedral and he is buried beneath the sanctuary.
Members of the Bishop Murphy Society receive a unique lapel pin, a certificate and invitations to special events.
The Bishop Murphy Society was launched at Mass in St Francis Xavier's Cathedral on May 15, 2013 by its Patron Archbishop Philip Wilson – click on mp3 file below to hear the homily.
If you would like any further information please contact Bequest Office by email.
Archbishop’s homily on the inauguration of the Bishop Francis Murphy Society
Download the pdf below of the transcript of the Archbishop’s homily.
Archbishop’s homily on the inauguration of the Bishop Murphy Society.pdf