Catholic Charities Thanksgiving Mass & Charity Expo 2017

On Tuesday December 5 Catholic Charities celebrated its fifth annual Thanksgiving Mass in St Francis Xavier's Cathedral followed by a Charity Expo in Mary MacKillop Plaza.
More than 350 students from seven different schools participated in the annual event. Following the Mass the students from St Catherine’s School, St Francis de Sales College, St Teresa’s Catholic School, Blackfriars Priory School, St Aloysius College, St Pius X School and Mercedes College enjoyed a sausage sizzle and exploring the stalls and expo activities.
For more pictures of the day click here
Annual Easter Egg Drive

Generosity of school communities
St Aloysius College and Sacred Heart College Middle School students continued their generosity this Easter with the collection and distribution of chocolate eggs to Catholic Charities agencies - Hutt St Centre, Catherine House, Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, and Centacare.
Sacred Heart also joined with people all over the world through the Project Compassion Food for Life campaign by gathering more than 360 kilograms of rice.
Sacred Heart students delivered more than 30 cartons of Easter Eggs direct to the Hutt St Centre and Otherway Centre while St Aloysius collected Easter Eggs for delivery on Holy Thursday to Catherine House.
“Each year the families at SHCMS are extremely generous in their
giving, knowing that each contribution matters and makes a
difference to those who would otherwise do without,”
said Jennifer Callanan, SHCMS APRIM.
Students take up water challenge

St Teresa’s Catholic School at Brighton celebrated Mercy Day (24th September) with a host of stalls and activities, including their annual fundraising event 'Walk for Water'.
Students walked non-stop around the perimeter of the school for 45-60 minutes holding a bucket or container of water while trying not to spill a drop. This gave them a small taste of what it must be like for children around the world who are not as fortunate as many are in Australia.
Catherine McAuley, Catholic R- 7 co-educational school

Students recently joined together for their annual Catholic Charities fundraising event. They organised stalls to sell goods at school and because of their efforts raised a marvellous $1,182.40 for Catholic Charities.
Catherine McAuley school is based on the example of their Patron, whose values of faith, growth and unity inspires their dedicated staff to celebrate the potential of all the children and families in their care.
The students are pictured with their Certificate of Appreciation presented by Catholic Charities.
St Francis Xavier's Regional Catholic School

Students from Reception to Year 7 took part in some fundraising activities on their Patron Saint’s Feast Day – St Francis Xavier - on 3rd December 2013. The students raised an amazing $3,024.80 in support of Catholic Charities.
Annie O'Neill from Catholic Charities went along to present Frida and Zac with a Certificate of Appreciation for their hard work.
St Mary Magdalene's School - Elizabeth Grove

At the end of 2013, students, staff and families worked together to raise $1622.40 for Catholic Charities. Students, staff and parents all ‘skipped for justice’ on a beautiful September day. This was their major fundraiser for the year and they enjoyed showing off their skipping skills, while making a difference to others.
Pictured students with their certificate presented by Catholic Charities.
Tour de St John's

This was a fundraiser in which the students from years 6/7 at St John the Baptist Catholic School (Plympton) rode as far as they could on an exercise bike for 15 minutes a day. It was a way of raising money for Catholic Charities as well as keeping themselves fit at the same time!
They encouraged family and friends to sponsor their journey and raised nearly $300.00.
Galilee Market Day

On Friday the 22nd of November, the Year 6/7 children at Galilee ran a market day to raise money for Catholic Charities. Before the event, the children researched some of the local charities that are supported, their vision and the work that they do. They looked at the Catholic Social Teachings of: Human Dignity, Option for the poor and Working for the common good. These important values guided their learning and preparation for a ‘Market Day’.
St Martin's Catholic Primary School

The School raised $669.65 in term 3 from a Book Swap Day and Casual Clothes Day, as part of their Outreach program. The money raised was donated to Catholic Charities.
Pictured are some of the many books donated from the Book Swap.
St Francis School Lockleys

St Francis students held a Social Justice Week where they raised funds for Catholic Charities. Their fundraising initiatives ranged from creating Shoeboxes of love to raising money via business enterprise initiatives that the Year 7 students thought up themselves. Overall they raised a fantastic $2,844.98.
Pictured is Year 7 student Edward and Annie O'Neill from Catholic Charities presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to the school.
St John Bosco School Brooklyn Park

Funky dress up day
St John Bosco School Brooklyn Park held a dress up day on September 24 to show support for homeless people and the work of Catholic Charities.
Pupils were asked to dress up in a cool and funky outfit. It was up to the pupils and their class to come up with a theme.
Donations of gold coins and non-perishable food items were
collected and presented to Annie O'Neill from Catholic Charities.
Antonio Catholic School

Antonio Catholic School's 'Mini Vinnie's' group organised their fellow students to raise some money for Catholic Charities. A coin line and a disco were among the many things they organised - raising $2000!
The student's pictured with their 'Certificate of Appreciation' from Catholic Charities.
St Francis School 2012

St Francis School (Lockleys) held a social justice week and raised $1,919.40 for Catholic Charities.
Picture - St Francis student Jasmine is presented with a certificate of appreciation by Annie O'Neill on behalf of Catholic Charities.
School of the Nativity, Aberfoyle Park

Annie O'Neill from Catholic Charities visited the School of the Nativity, Aberfoyle Park, where students presented her with a cheque for $1,626.15 which they raised through their own fundraising efforts!
Picture - Year 7 students' presenting Annie with their cheque.