Personal reflections from those who give

Growing up, I remember my parents always giving generously to the collection plate at Sunday Mass for various charities. Now, as a busy mum trying to juggle work and family, it's easy to lose perspective and become complacent about helping others financially. But since I started donating to Catholic Charities a few years ago, I now feel like I'm re-connecting with the church and, in my own small way, doing something meaningful to help the many people in need right here in South Australia. Paula
Catholic Charities has so many to whom care is offered and it is a privilege to join our sisters and brothers in the midst of so many needing not only financial assistance but to try and extend to the many and various particular needs. I am only offering to the Lord what he has bestowed on me. Monica
...Catholic Charities does a fantastic and largely unsung job in helping out with real crises in the lives of people who are closest to us in our own State. It’s really positive, Christianity in action. The old idea of giving 10% of our income back to God by supporting the Church, mainly through Catholic Charities, just seems like a great idea. Bob
I support Catholic Charities because I see it works at the coal face to support those in need. I believe it follows Jesus' words in the gospel "I was hungry and you gave me to eat....and just as you do to the least of my Brothers you do to me". This encompasses the work of Catholic Charities and the agencies who are supported by the donations of ordinary South Australians who are so generous. Fiona