Spiritual Direction Formation Program


The Archdiocese of Adelaide Spiritual Directors Formation Program is a two-year program underpinned by Ignatian Spirituality.

We believe that spiritual direction is a vocation.

Consequently, this program is designed to help individuals who are feeling drawn to the ministry of spiritual direction to explore their desire and abilities for this ministry and to discern if God is calling them to this ministry.



Program Structure

This structured program explores the ministry of spiritual direction particularly within the context of Ignatian spirituality and is made up of both theoretical and practical studies.

Course Outline

The 2-year Program includes:

Outcomes-Based Contemplative Learning comprising of 2.5hr sessions spread over 4 terms each year (Thursday evening).

Outcomes-Based Contemplative Learning of 2 intensives (Fri evening /Saturday) per year in a structured program with lectures, readings, discussion, workshops.

Participation in a silent directed retreat during the second year of the two-year program (3-5 days)

Learning Outcomes

Program Requirements

Course Fees

Spiritual Direction Formation Team

Application Process

Make an Enquiry

For more information contact the Spiritual Direction Formation Office via email spiritualdirectionoffice@adelaide.catholic.org.au