Learning Outcomes
By the completion of the program students will:
- hold a contemplative attitude to themselves and adopt a contemplative stance to their directees.
- integrate a contemplative approach into their lives demonstrating a clear understanding of, and personal transformational engagement with, the principal spiritual practices consistent with the Ignatian contemplative ethos and develop proficiency in utilising these spiritual practices.
- understand the focus and tasks of the spiritual director, especially developing the ability to listen deeply, to attend to what they hear, evoking from directees the lessons learned, and discoveries made, about God’s action in their lives.
- be able to lead others in a variety of prayer and the contemplative traditions
- develop competency in providing spiritual direction, developing their own gifts and special strengths in this ministry, and recognise the areas in which they will continue to need further development
- understand and comply with National Guidelines and Code of practice for spiritual direction.
- understand the contemporary ministry of spiritual direction and reflect upon their own experience of being directed.
- have knowledge of, and personal transformational engagement with, the biblical, theological and Ignatian basis to the ministry of spiritual direction and reflect upon how these influence their own attitudes and responses to God, to others and to the cosmos.
- Understand contemplative listening and reflect upon the skills required by a spiritual director, particularly contemplative listening, what is meant by fostering a contemplative attitude, and how the focus of spiritual direction is religious experience.
- Be familiar with the Code of Ethics for Spiritual Directors and its implications.
- Grow in understanding of prayer, the discernment of spirits, and how one can become a discerning person through spiritual direction.
- Understand the requirements for training and formation in this ministry, the need for and process of group and individual supervision.
- Understand the psychological dimensions of the spiritual life and of spiritual direction.