St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral Restoration Appeal

St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral is the oldest Catholic Cathedral in Australia and the heart of Catholic life here in the Adelaide Archdiocese.
Situated in the centre of Victoria Square this iconic heritage listed building is considered a major Australian work of the Gothic Revival Style.
Over the course of 150 years a number of eminent designers and builders have been involved with its construction and thus the building itself reflects the economic and social history of our community.
As a sacred place for Catholics the Cathedral represents the spiritual origins of the Catholic Church in Adelaide. For hundreds of thousands of South Australians it is the place where they were baptised, married and mourned. A diverse mix of ages and cultures pass through its doors each day as they come to express their deep faith.
Whilst much effort has been put into upgrading the exterior in recent years the interior of this heritage listed building is in urgent need of renovation to transform it into a warm and welcoming place of worship.
As custodians of this beautiful Cathedral we are charged with responsibility of maintaining and preserving it for future generations.
Download brochure below to read more about the Cathedral Appeal and restoration work.
The Pipes are Calling

The St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral Restoration has begun with the first major work being the refurbishment and installation of the magnificent 1927 Casavant Frères pipe organ. The Pipes are Calling Campaign is an invitation to ‘donate a pipe’ and become a part of this unique time in our Cathedral’s history.
By purchasing pipes for our magnificent Casavant Frères Pipe Organ you will contribute to the restoration of the oldest Catholic Cathedral in Australia for the benefit of generations to come.
As part of our partnership with National Trust South Australia, all donations are tax deductible.
For further information please contact Mary Coombe on P: 8210 8117 or by email E: