The Companions of St Joseph identify with the charism given to Mary MacKillop and Julian Tenison Woods.
As lay men and women:
- we work alongside each other to discern the needs of our time and respond to them in simple, ordinary ways;
- we seek to celebrate and witness to God’s love in the daily events of our lives;
- we express trust in God’s providence by caring for our earth, putting aside ambition and material greed;
- we form habits of prayer that nurture relationship with God in love of neighbour as our primary focus.
We support one another in carrying out this mission through our common prayer, reflection and discussion.
A spirit of generosity in carrying out this mission will be fostered by encouraging one another to:
- respond to the needs that arise through the course of our work and lives;
- be with those in need, assisting in whatever ways we can.
As Mary MacKillop said, we need to: "...take things quietly and just do what our good God enables us."
In this way, along with the Sisters of St Joseph and other associated groups, we embrace the Founders’ vision and seek to be of service to the “dear neighbour” especially those despised and ignored, witnessing to Christ’s message of human dignity and God’s love for all humanity.