Can I set a date for the Church?

A booking for a Church wedding should not be made until a personal notification that a person is free to marry has been sent to the celebrant. 

An affirmative decision is never guaranteed until final ratification. Setting a tentative date before a final decision has been given often leads to disappointment since the investigation is a trial of the marriage and, like all trials, the outcome is subject to unforeseen difficulties. Setting a date for a wedding before the final decision is known places the applicant and their proposed partner, not to mention the Tribunal staff, under unreasonable and unnecessary pressure.

Therefore no Priest or Deacon can agree to accept a booking for the wedding.  Parishes are not able to accept a booking for the Church until the annulment process is completed. The Petitioner is asked to sign a "Disclaimer" which explains that no Catholic Ceremony can take place; no blessing can be given to the couple, until the final ratification is given.

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