20 May 2021
Catholic Education SA offers free midyear intake as enrolments continue to rise

Media Release | Catholic Education SA | May 20 2021
Catholic Education SA offers free midyear intake as enrolments continue to rise
As South Australians continue to feel the impact of COVID-19, Catholic Education SA has announced a free midyear intake for Reception students.
The announcement comes as the number of students attending Catholic schools across the State continues to rise. Enrolments grew by 1,605* students (3.5%) this year, with more students expected to join Catholic schools as part of the July intake.
“The initiative is one of a number announced by the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS) that are designed to reduce the financial burden on families,” explains Dr Neil McGoran, Director, Catholic Education SA.
All Diocesan primary and combined schools will offer the 2021 Term 3 Reception intake to parents free of charge. The South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools is also encouraging separately governed schools to offer the tuition waiver.
The mid-year Reception enrolment intake is open to students who turn five on or before October 31. The free intake will include tuition fees and compulsory charges. It will exclude uniforms and extra-curricular costs.
The announcement stems from the Making Catholic Education More Affordable initiative and follows an unprecedented move to reduce the fees in every Catholic parish primary school across the State.
“The Making Catholic Education More Affordable initiative is about helping more families be able to access a quality, Catholic education.
“Last year, we offered fee relief to any family unable to pay school fees due to the financial impact of COVID.
“This year, we reduced the school fees in every Catholic Primary School in the State. These reductions are now in place with an average reduction of $450 per student. When you add that up - across all our primary schools - that is $7.5 million back in the pockets of parents.
“In addition to remissions and reductions, we also introduced a lower income fee. Eligible families can access a 40% discount on their school fees.”
Dr McGoran says that the fee reductions are occurring alongside a systemwide strategy aimed at strengthening the provision and experience of an excellent Catholic education at each school.
“At the same time as we are introducing these reductions, we’re also focusing on improving educational and wellbeing outcomes for every student in our schools. Our aim is to work alongside families, raising the hearts and minds of young people and helping them to be thriving people, capable learners, and leaders for the world God desires.”
* 1604 students – CESA Census February 2021. Enrolments are 46,846, compared to 45,241 in February 2020.
Media contacts:
Shannon Short, Catholic Education SA, 0438 516 523 | Jenny Brinkworth, Catholic Communications, 0438 727 677
- Catholic Education SA offers fee reductions and relief (Nov 2020)
- Catholic Primary schools to reduce fees (Sept 2020)
Media release - Catholic Education offers free mid year intake.pdf