08 Feb 2025
Opinion piece - Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB

The cowardly and murderous attacks by Hamas operatives on innocent Jewish people – men, women, children and babies – in northern Israel on October 7, 2023, sowed the bitter seeds of violence, destruction and untold suffering for thousands of people.
The fragile ceasefire offers some hope that the worst of the ¬violence might be behind us, but the repercussions from the horrors of October 7 will continue to play out for many years.
03 Sep 2024
110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees

The Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office has published online resources to help Catholic communities, parishes and schools mark the 110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
In his message to mark the day, Pope Francis emphasises the Church’s commitment to walking alongside migrants and refugees. The message theme “God walks with His people,” draws parallels between the biblical Exodus and the journeys of modern-day migrants.
01 Jul 2022
Members set to gather for second Plenary Assembly

The four-year journey of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia is about to reach its high point, with Members gathering in Sydney this weekend for the start of the Council’s second and final assembly.
“For the 277 Members, most of whom have been walking this journey for almost two-and-a-half years, this has something of the feel of a grand final,” Plenary Council president Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB said.
20 Apr 2022
Catholics encouraged to receive COVID-19 vaccine

Catholics in Australia are being encouraged to receive a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available to them, with the relevant Bishops Commission saying it is morally permissible to accept any vaccine.
In a document published today, the Bishops Commission for Life, Family and Public Engagement acknowledges that there are ethical concerns about the way some of the vaccines have been developed or tested. That includes the use of cell lines derived from an abortion in the 1970s.
05 Mar 2021
Catholic women invited to national consultation

Catholic women are being invited to participate in a national consultation with two bishops later this month and to mark their diaries for a national gathering in September.
The national consultation, which will take place on March 27 via Zoom, invites women to articulate and celebrate their contribution to and vision for the mission of the Catholic Church in Australia.
Bishop Michael Morrissey, the Bishop Delegate for Women, said he is looking forward to hearing from Catholic women from across the country.