2023 Annual Report
Synod Instrumentum Laboris (Working Document)
The Synod of Bishop’s Working Document has been released. It can be accessed via the following link: The Instrumentum Laboris (synod.va)
or download pdf below.
Towards the Second Assembly - 2024 Diocesan Summary
The People of God in the Archdiocese of Adelaide desire to be a synodal Church on mission. We recognise this is a journey which requires conversion, not only of heart, but of culture and structures. All pilgrimage requires sacrifice and hard work, and the synodal processes of the past several years have proven that the Church in Adelaide is committed to this journey.
Several leadership groups, councils and commissions in the Archdiocese of Adelaide were invited to provide feedback to particular sections of the Synod Synthesis Report. In March, an opportunity was offered for wider public consultation. We made sure to include a diversity of voices and perspectives which could respond to various sections of the synthesis report.
Download the document below to read full report.
Diocesan Testimony for the Synod on Synodality
The characteristics and practices of synodality have been a key feature of the Archdiocese of Adelaide since the Second Vatican Council which have included Diocesan and Parish Pastoral Councils, Diocesan Leadership Teams made up of clergy and lay women and men, diocesan assemblies, various advisory councils and commissions, investment in lay pastoral ministry, formation for pastoral leadership, listening structures and pastoral initiatives in parishes, schools and communities. Over the past 60 years there have been periods of strong synodal practice and periods where it was lagging.
The recent consultations and listening and discernment process that have fed into the Synod on Young People, the 5th Australian Plenary Council, the Synod on Synodality and our own Diocesan Assemblies have reignited the desire for a co-responsible and collaborative church that truly listens and engages all of the People of God and those of good will in participation in the life, faith and mission of the Church. For many in the Archdiocese, the listening and consultation processes are a reminder of the changes initiated by Vatican II, and for others it was the first time they felt they were listened to by the institutional Church. There has also been scepticism at the effectiveness of the synodal processes and ability for the Church respond to current and future challenges adequately and quickly. Others have been wary of the possibility of change and potential loss of identity. In this way, the Archdiocese of Adelaide reflects the experiences of the global Church. In 2020, upon his appointment to the Archdiocese of Adelaide, Archbishop Patrick O’Regan called for a Diocesan Assembly to reengage the people with the preparations for the Plenary Council (which had been delayed by COVID-19), and to begin to discern the realities and needs of the Archdiocese. The convergence of the Plenary Council, our Diocesan Assemblies and the Global Synod have inspired many synodal initiatives.
Download document below to read more.
2024 Lenten Reflection booklet
2020 Annual Report

Archbishop Patrick O'Regan – Who would have believed that during the midst of the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic Pope Francis would see fit to appoint me as the ninth Archbishop of Adelaide on March 19, the feast of St Joseph?
At the time, I said that as someone with a deep Josephite spirituality it was quite fitting – even providential – that Pope Francis had chosen St Joseph’s feast day to call me to this new mission.
...It has been apparent to me in my relatively short time in this Archdiocese that there are many, many ‘ordinary’ people living out their faith every day and following St Mary MacKillop’s mantra of ‘never see a need without doing something about it’.
Download the 2020 annual report to read of Archbishop Patrick's story along with our agencies' stories.
2019 Annual Report

Bishop Greg O'Kelly SJ – As my role of Apostolic Administrator continued in 2019, I was delighted to be able to welcome nearly 5,500 teachers, school and parish leaders, priests, school administrators and other staff from the Diocese of Port Pirie and the Archdiocese of Adelaide at the “Live, Learn, Lead, Together” conference.....
Fr Philip Marshall, Administrator Delegate – Never has a year begun with such a spectacular blaze of sound and colour as this one. We poured into the Entertainment Centre on a furiously hot January day - 6,000 teachers, support personnel, administrators, along with clergy and leaders from Centacare, diocese and parishes, young people and old...
Sarah Moffatt, Acting Chancellor – The Eight Gospel Characteristics of Renewal have been pivotal in providing a focus for parishes and agencies within the Archdiocese with parish pastoral visitation continuing in 2019. Pastoral work in the Archdiocese continued to flourish in parishes, communities, schools and neighbourhoods...
Download the 2019 annual report to read more of these reports along with our agencies' stories.
2018 Annual Report

Message from the Bishop
...My task has been to exercise episcopal authority to the Archdiocese of Adelaide until such time as the Holy Father changes the arrangement, while continuing to serve as Bishop of the Diocese of Port Pirie.
I have been greatly assisted by the excellent group of Church officials who serve the Archdiocese and have taken responsibility for the day-to-day administration under the able direction of the Administrator Delegate, Father Philip Marshall.
One of my priorities has been to communicate as much as possible in a dual role with our clergy, Religious, pastoral associates, diocesan staff and agencies in these challenging times...
Please download pdf below to read more of Bishop Greg's message along with reports from our Diocesan agencies.
2017 Annual Report

Who We Are
The Adelaide Archdiocese aims to be a community that lives and expresses the joy of the gospel of Jesus, serving others, especially in the places where people are suffering, disempowered by circumstance and furthest from life to the full.
This will be done by supporting the Eight Gospel Characteristics of Renewal:
- The parish is a community in which each member is called to a personal relationship with Jesus.
- Eucharistic liturgies are prayerful and fully participative.
- The Word of God is proclaimed in good preaching and in faithful lives.
- There is a warm sense of community outreach and welcome.
- The parish community is visibly engaged with those who experience poverty and need, and with those at the margins of society and church.
- The parish witnesses to God’s love for all the creatures of Earth.
- The parish is led by a priest with a pastoral team.
- Eucharistic communities that are viable will be enabled to continue.
Please download document below to read reports from diocesan agencies.
Journeys of Faith
$20; $25 posted

This glossy, full colour book is about Catholic migrants from around the world who came to Australia in search of a better life. From their childhoods abroad to adapting to life in a strange new land, these moving stories make compelling reading. Some came from war-torn Europe, others from regions of conflict and oppression in Africa, Asia and South America. All had one thing in common – an unshakeable faith in God.
To purchase a copy contact Catholic Communications on 8210 8117 or send an email
2016 Annual Report

Who We Are
About us
The Adelaide Archdiocese dates back to 1842, just six years after the first fleet arrived at Glenelg. Today it is home to more than 280,000 Catholics – about 20 per cent of the population – and covers 105,000 sq km. There are 69 parishes and communities with approximately 125 Mass centres and 90 Catholic schools with approximately 45,000 students.
Our Values
We adhere to our Catholic values, which are based on our love for God and for every human being, according to the gospel and the tradition of our Church.
Please download document below to read reports from diocesan agencies.