Universal Prayer for Sunday and weekday Masses

Prayers of the faithful


These prayers are exactly what their name suggests – prayers of the gathered faithful. In praying this prayer, the faithful are carrying out their role of praying for the entire world as well as for the needs of the local community. No two congregations will have exactly the same prayers, since their perception of the world's needs and of the local community will vary. Therefore they are written anew for each Sunday and weekly celebrations.



Intercessions - Year C

from December 21 to January 4

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Below you will find Universal Prayers for:

  • 4th Sunday of Advent, Monday 22 and Tuesday 24 December.
  • Feast of the Holy Family and the Weekdays following including Mary, Mother of God.
  • Octave of Christmas - St Stephen, St John, Holy Innocents - Thursday, Friday,  Saturday.
  • Christmas Vigil - simplified petitions suitable for Family Mass; Mass during the Night - mid Evening - Midnight
  • Christmas Morning Masses

If there are any crisis which require prayers I will send them to you as soon as possible.

Enjoy the gentleness of Advent.

– Fr Maurice

 Intercessions 4th Advent 2024.docx
 Intercessions Christmas Masses 2024.docx
 Intercessions Octave of Christmas 2024.docx
 Intercessions Holy Family and following Week 2024.docx


Second Sunday of Advent and following week - Year C

Sunday December 8 to December 14

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This week in Australia we celebrate now the optional Memorial of Our Lady of Loreto. This devotion centers upon the home of the Holy Family which a tradition holds was carried by angels from Nazareth to Loreto. Secretaries will you please provide your priests with the details where to find the Collect and other Presidential Prayers for this day.

I have also included a Preface from Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary relating to Mary of Nazareth which they might like to use.

– Fr Maurice

 Intercessions 2nd Advent 2024.docx


First Sunday of Advent & First Week of Advent - Year C

Sunday December 1 to Saturday December 7

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Every blessing for this wonderful, hope-filled time of Advent and to our American friends happy Thanksgiving Day on Thursday.

– Fr Maurice



 Intercessions 1st Advent 2024.docx


Feast of Christ the King and 34th Week

Sunday November 24 to Saturday November 30

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 Intercessions Christ the King and 34th Week 2024.docx


33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday November 17 to Saturday November 23

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 Intercessions 33rd Week 2024.docx

Third Sunday of Advent

Sunday December 15 to Saturday December 21

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 Intercessions 3rd Advent 2024.docx