Universal Prayer for Sunday and weekday Masses

Prayers of the faithful


These prayers are exactly what their name suggests – prayers of the gathered faithful. In praying this prayer, the faithful are carrying out their role of praying for the entire world as well as for the needs of the local community. No two congregations will have exactly the same prayers, since their perception of the world's needs and of the local community will vary. Therefore they are written anew for each Sunday and weekly celebrations.


Intercessions - 3rd in Lent

Sunday March 23 to Saturday March 29

 Intercessions 3rd Lent 2025.docx


Intercessions - 2nd in Lent

Sunday March 16 to Saturday March 22

Pentecost Youth Mass.jpg

We continue to pray for the wellbeing of Pope Francis and, as in previous weeks, additional petitions are added to the daily ones in the event of his possible death.

– Fr. Maurice



 Intercessions 2nd Lent 2025.docx

Intercessions - First in Lent

Sunday March 9 to Saturday March 15

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As we continue to support Pope Francis with our prayer, I have repeated some possible replacement prayers in the event that God may take Francis to himself. They are the same as those I prepared last week with the exception of Thursday March 13, the 12th anniversary of his election as Bishop of Rome.

– Fr Maurice Shinnick

 Intercessions 1st Lent 2025.docx


Intercessions Eighth Week and Ash Wednesday

Sunday March 2 to Saturday March 8


Since the health of Pope Francis continues to be critical as I write these prayers, I have prepared additional petitions for each day in the possibility that he may die.

These are found following the daily petitions.

Let us keep Pope Francis close to our hearts in prayer, those caring for him and the whole People of God.

- Fr Maurice Shinnick

 Intercessions 8th Week and Ash Wednesday 2025.docx


Intercessions - Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

Sunday February 23 to Saturday March 1

Two things different this week:

A petition on Sunday and Wednesday for Adelaide only to mark the 10th anniversary of the episcopal ordination of Archbishop Patrick O'Regan.

A petition on Sunday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday for Australia only marking the Deacons of Australia National Conference, being held here in Adelaide.

Best wishes, Maurice Shinnick





 Intercessions 7th Week 2025.docx