Learn about the Jubilee of Hope
36 Jubilees: There are 36 events highlighting special aspects of church life: Calendar of events. For each, there is a resource that parishes and individuals can use for personal or group prayer and reflection. They include teaching, reflection, and intercessions. Jubilee 2025 Event Resource: National Centre for Evangelisation, Australia
Adult Faith Resources CCCB Adult Faith Resources on the Jubilee Year 2025 - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
Apostolic Penitentiary Decree on the Granting of Indulgence during the Ordinary Jubilee Year 2025 called by His Holiness Pope Francis
Biblical Origins The Jubilee in the Bible
Bull of Indiction Spes non confundit - Bull of Indiction of the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025 (9 May 2024) | Francis
Catechetical Activities for Young People Catechetical Activities for Children and Youth - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
Jubilee Glossary: This glossary highlights the core concepts to help you engage meaningfully with the Jubilee celebrations.
Jubilee Information: What is a Jubilee? What is an Indulgence? How to Obtain a Jubilee Indulgence? Why participate in a Jubilee Pilgrimage? Glossary of Jubilee Terms; Scripture Passages related to Hope
Jubilee Scripture Passages: These Scripture passages can be used in personal prayer, group reflections, or liturgical settings, especially during pilgrimages to the Jubilee sites. They embody the encouragement and renewal at the heart of this Holy Year.
Vatican Jubilee Website: Jubilee 2025
Prayer and Worship in the Jubilee of Hope
Final blessings: The solemn blessing and prayer over the people from the Mass formularies plus three locally composed prayers over the people based on the Jubilee Prayer for use throughout the year.
The Jubilee Prayer: The Jubilee Prayer is available in 20 languages! It is meant for devotional, not for liturgical use. If you want to pray this prayer when the community gathers for Mass, please do so only either before the entrance song or after the final blessing.
Hymn: would be most suitable as an entrance song in special celebrations held on the occasion of the Holy Year and at other times during the Preparation of the Gifts or as the Recessional. It is available in several languages on the Jubilee website.
Pilgrims of Hope Music Collection for Parishes and Schools: a vibrant anthology of ten original compositions by celebrated and emerging Australian sacred music composers, including Adelaide's own Lauren Bierer with the song, Hope in Love. This collection embodies Pope Francis’s vision that “the joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus,” offering fresh musical expressions of faith that resonate across generations and cultures.
Litany of Saints:
Mass formularies: Three Mass formularies have been prepared for a Mass for the Holy Year along with readings for the Liturgy of the Word. This Mass may be said whenever special celebrations are held on the occasion of the Holy Year, excepting those times in the Liturgical Year that one noted at the top of the Mass formulary. Please check the date carefully before scheduling a Mass for the Holy Year.
Penitential Act Formularies: There are five formularies for the third form of the Penitential Act with invocations composed specifically with the theme of the Jubilee.
Pope's monthly prayer intentions
Universal prayer templates: There are four formularies for introducing the petitions of the Universal Prayer and then the collect for concluding them as well as an alternate response to "Lord, hear our prayer".