14 Mar 2025

RE: Clergy Moves, Easter 2025


Grace and peace I hope that this note finds you well.

I wish to inform you of some Clergy moves within the Archdiocese which will take effect on Thursday, 24th April, 2025, in time for The Second Sunday of Easter, Sunday, 27th April, 2025.

Each set of moves involves many moving parts, and I once again thank the College of Consultors and the generosity of those involved in making the call possible to balancing the needs of the Archdiocese, our Parishes and each Priest or Deacon.

05 Mar 2025

Jubilee of Volunteers

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On 9th of March 2025, we celebrate and give thanks for the contribution of the many Volunteers, past and present, who have and continue to animate the Gospel in the life of the Archdiocese of Adelaide. 

This is a special time for us to pause, reflect, and celebrate the incredible contributions of each one of you, particularly those who have generously served as volunteers in our communities. It is with heartfelt gratitude that I write to thank all of our volunteers for the time, talents, and love you have poured into the work of the Church.

 20250305 001 L POR_ JubileeofVolunteers.pdf

26 Feb 2025

Pastoral Letter for Lent 2025

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Pastoral Letter for Lent 2025, Pilgrims of Hope: A Lenten Journey in Light of the Synod and Jubilee Year





 (FINAL)20250226-AB Lenten Pastoral Letter-CAoA.pdf

23 Feb 2025

Message from Archbishop O'Regan on Pope Francis

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As of February 23 2025, Pope Francis, aged 88, is in critical condition following a prolonged asthmatic respiratory crisis.

This is concerning to the Catholics of the Archdiocese of Adelaide and, trusting in the goodness of God, we join the global Catholic community in prayer for the Holy Father's full recovery.




08 Feb 2025

Getting the right perspective

The Southern Cross, February 2025


In August last year I had the joy of blessing the new Andrea Pozzo Centre at Saint Ignatius’ College in Athelstone.

I must admit, sadly, that hither unto I had not heard of the Jesuit brother, Andrea Pozzo. His story is worth looking up if you get a chance. His gift as an artist was his mastery of perspective.

So I ask, have you ever lost perspective?

This happens when we lose sight of the big picture, or when we leave out some important details of the small picture. Perspective is how we see things. It’s our outlook or the way we construe something.

Perspective has been defined as ‘the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance’.

20 Dec 2024

Year of Jubilee 2025

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In a letter to the faithful, Archbishop Patrick O'Regan outlines Jubilee Year plans for the Adelaide Archdiocese, including the opening of the Holy Year at Midnight Mass on December 31 in St Francis Xavier's Cathedral.


 20241219 001 l POR_ Year of Jubilee 2025.pdf

19 Dec 2024

Christmas message 2024

Returning to the heart

14 Dec 2024

The heart of the matter

The Southern Cross December 2025

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No doubt the world is a complex place. Maybe it has always been thus. Yet it seems at the moment to be increasingly the case.

When we walk into a supermarket and there are 23 different varieties of balsamic vinegar from which to choose, life can appear overwhelming. With too much from which to choose, life is complex.

01 Oct 2024

Half time in the main game

The Southern Cross October 2024

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At the end of October last year the siren sounded on the first half of the Synod of Bishops, Synod on Synodality in Rome.

After a gruelling first half the members of the Synod voted unanimously in agreement on the synthesis document of what transpired during the first session. A little rushed at the end, however a worthy document.

Whenever we do things for the first time there is always a mixture of anticipation and unfamiliarity, and sometimes apprehension. While this was true for the first two of the four weeks of the first session of the Synod, any unfamiliarity gradually gave way to understanding, and our anticipation and apprehension soon transformed into the hard work that dialogue and listening requires.

02 Sep 2024

Safeguarding Sunday - September 8

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An important initiative of the Church in Australia is Safeguarding Sunday which takes place at the conclusion of National Child Protection Week on 8th September 2024.

Safeguarding Sunday provides the opportunity to not only reaffirm child safe practices and protocols but also to celebrate the presences of children and young people in our Parishes and Communities, as we continue to create and maintain a safe environment for all. It also invites people to pray for those harmed by abuse directly and indirectly and recognises the importance of change to ensure children and young people grow up safe and supported by the Church.

 20240903 001 L POR Safeguarding Sunday.pdf

01 Sep 2024

Signs of the times

The Southern Cross September 2024

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An essential tool in the toolbox of anyone engaged in being a missionary disciple of Christ, of being a member of the Body of Christ, is being able to read the signs of the times.

This is an art. It is ultimately, as Saint Mary MacKillop would remind us, the ability to see the hand of God in everything. Not just something, everything.

Some describe the ‘signs of the times’ as simply a litany of all that is wrong in the world and the Church. While there is plenty of things that are not as good as they might be and need improvement, the ‘signs of the times’ are much more hopeful and grace-filled than a simple denunciation of the woes of the world. The gift of faith calls us to base our lives not on fear, but rather hope.

We are not living an era of change but a change of era.’

23 Aug 2024

Social Justice Sunday - August 25

This Sunday, 25th August 2024 marks Social Justice Sunday and the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Social Justice Statement entitled, “Truth and Peace: A Gospel Word in a Violent World ” is now available for download at Truth and Peace A Gospel Word in a Violent World FINAL 150824 02.pdf - Google Drive. 



 20240822 002 L POR Social Justice Sunday.pdf

01 Aug 2024

Freedom to prisoners

The Southern Cross August 2024


I have been to prison a few times. Sometimes in my capacity as either chaplain or bishop, or as friend. Sometimes maximum security, sometimes minimum security or even ‘prison’ farms.

The reception is always one of welcome from both the authorities and the inmates. Security is tight, everyone is watchful. My experience has been that there has often been a great association between the local parishes wherein the prison is located, and the custodial institution. People like Fay and Barry from Sydney who, in their early eighties, each week make a visit either to the prison or to the local courts, bringing an encouraging word or some practical assistance such as Monte Carlo biscuits. Parishes provide practical experiences whereby they organise the morning tea after Christmas Mass, always a great hit, to say nothing of the prayer and accompaniment that happens, so often unremarked.

20 Jun 2024

WhatsApp and Facebook Impersonation

A message from Archbishop Patrick O’Regan

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I am writing to inform you that I have become aware that there are fake WhatsApp and Facebook profiles that have been created in my name.  Please note that these profiles have been reported to the respective platforms.

The WhatsApp profile is engaging with people around the donation of funds for an Appeal surrounding the Papua New Guinea Appeal.

 20240620 001 L POR _Impersonation Letter.pdf

19 Jun 2024

2023 Modern Slavery Statement

A message from Archbishop Patrick O’Regan

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The Archdiocese of Adelaide has been a member of the Australian Catholic Antislavery Network (ACAN) since 2020. This is the Archdiocese first Modern Slavery Statement and reporting year.

The Archdiocese is already committed to the tenets of Catholic social teaching and recognises alignment with our commitment in this space with the dignity of the human person, in particular the worker and the common good.

In 2023, we formed a working group to progress activities leading to reducing modern slavery risks through the Archdiocese which includes examination of our supplier network with the support of ACAN.

We look forward to continuing this important work in 2024.

 FINAL-20240531-2023 Modern Slavery Statement-Doc-PST.pdf

03 Jun 2024

Holy Family Catholic Parish


The Parishes of Aberfoyle Park and Blackwood have been merged by decree and will hence forth be known as Holy Family Catholic Parish.

 20240530 004 L POR Communication_Holy Family Catholic Parish.pdf

14 May 2024

Re: Caritas Appeal: Floods and Devastation in Kenya

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As we reflect on the recent devastating widespread floods that have swept through Kenya, causing loss of life, destruction of homes, crops, livestock, and infrastructure, our thoughts are with the people affected.  Of our seven Missionary Priests from Africa, six come from Kenya and we express our prayers and solidarity with them as this tragedy affects their homeland.

 20240514 003 L POR Floods and Devastation in Kenya.pdf

01 May 2024

Living Easter

The Southern Cross May 2024

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For some, Easter is a day. For us it is a season. For St Augustine it is a sacrament.

We have grown accustomed to doing that little bit more during Lent: becoming more charitable; hollowing out our small-heartedness and enlarging the space therein for God, for others, our best self and the whole of creation. We join in deeper prayer, we fast from criticism, and feast on praise.

01 Apr 2024

Being Easter people

The Southern Cross April 2024

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Recently it seemed that Australia had a ‘Swift’ mania moment, with the visit of the American singer Taylor Swift. While knowing nothing about her music, the effects of her visit on so many are extraordinary.

I was talking to a young woman who told me about a forthcoming trip she was to make, with a few friends, to the Taylor Swift concert in Sydney. She was so excited and said she knew most of the American singer’s songs by heart. For her it was a longed-for moment, even if it was in a stadium with thousands of other people. Just to ‘be there’ and get a glimpse was enough to make all the cost and effort worthwhile. I hope I catch up with her again to see how it went.

25 Mar 2024

2024 Easter message

The head, the hands and the heart

01 Mar 2024

Lent: A journey to Easter

The Southern Cross March 2024

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Easter is much more than one of the feasts, more than a yearly commemoration of a past event. We would do well to ask ourselves, in what sense do we celebrate, as we claim we do, ‘the death of death, the annihilation of hell, the beginning of a new and everlasting life…’?

To all these questions, the answer is: the new life which 2000 years ago shone forth from the grave, has been given to us, to all those who believe in Christ. And it was given to us on the day of our baptism, in which, as St Paul says, we ‘were buried with Christ…unto death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead we also may walk in newness of life’ (Rom. 6:4). So at Easter we celebrate Christ’s resurrection as something that happened and still happens to us.

01 Feb 2024

What do we really want in life?

The Southern Cross, February 2024

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There is something refreshing that happens when a new year begins. It presents the opportunity to participate more deeply in God’s mercy as we set the counters back to zero and begin again. We can rule the line under the previous year and deepen our hope that the new year will be better, or at least different. We may express this hope in making new year resolutions; we may express this in just wanting this year to be better than last year.

For some a new year brings a certain dread about what it might bring. With the level of global uncertainty heightened at the moment and some preferring conflict to peace, some feel more anxious.

19 Dec 2023

2023 Christmas video message

16 Dec 2023

Seeing salvation

The Southern Cross December 2023


Where is God? Who is God? These are questions that the heart of every human being asks at some stage of their life. We answer them in various ways.

The place is Greccio, Italy, about 80km north east of Rome, an old hill-town village. It is surrounded by an oak forest. Trails lead through the forest to the summit of Mount Lacerone, 1204 metres above sea level. Here, St Francis of Assisi, would retire in prayer and meditation in a hut.

27 Nov 2023

Re: Ministry Formation Program (MFP)

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As an Archdiocese, we value formation of all our people, and in a particular way, those preparing for and engaging in pastoral ministry, and we want to do it the best that we can. I write to inform you of the decision to bring the Ministry Formation Program (MFP) to a close at the end of this year, 'pausing' formation for pastoral ministry for up to two years. This pause will give us time to discern new pathways for formation that attend to the current and future needs of the Archdiocese.

This decision comes as the result of a review which included input from nearly 100 individuals ( current and former students, MFP collaborators, MFP and diocesan staff, and parish leaders). The review raised several questions concerning the MFP's capacity to address the current and changing realities of parishes and communities in the Archdiocese. Therefore, the primary recommendation of the review is that MFP is brought to a close and that ministry formation 'pauses' while new forms of formation for ministry are developed.

 20231127 001L POR Ministry Formation Program.pdf

24 Nov 2023

Vocations Prayer Vigil

St Francis Xavier's Cathedral

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Once again, we are holding a Vocations Prayer Vigil at the Cathedral on Friday November 24. It will commence at 5.15pm with the Evening Prayer of the Church and then Mass at the usual time of 5.45pm followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament to conclude with Benediction at 8.15pm. Supper in the hall will follow and conclude the night. 

 Vocations Prayer Vigil 089 20231102.pdf
 Vocations Prayer Vigil - 24 November 2023.pdf

01 Nov 2023

Hopeful pilgrims at Rome Synod

The Southern Cross November 2023


Together with Bishop Shane Mackinlay of Sandhurst, the other elected Australian bishop member of the Synod, I am staying at the Mother House of the Salvatorians, the religious order to which Bishop Karol Kulczycki from Port Pirie belongs. The place is conveniently close to Vatican City.

Walk out the front door on a Wednesday and you are immediately struck by the surging crowds heading toward the general audience with Pope Francis. Similarly on a Sunday, a great wall of humanity is heading for St Peter’s Square for the Angelus. Each day, long lines of people can be seen snaking around the square so that they might visit St Peter’s. Pilgrims all.

10 Oct 2023

Message from Fr Dean Marin VG

Prayers for peace in Israel and Palestine


I know you will join me in being profoundly shocked and saddened by the terrorist attack by Hamas militants in southern Israel which began on the Jewish holiday of Simchat Tora. Such aggression upon innocent people cannot be justified.

As the violence escalates, we express our deep sympathy and solidarity with the families of innocent victims on both sides of this bloody conflict. 

We offer our prayers for these families; for the men, women and children taken hostage, and for all those people experiencing terror and anguish at this time.

We join Pope Francis in praying for peace in Israel and Palestine and reiterate his call to “stop the attacks and to understand that terrorism and war do not lead to any solution, but only to the death and suffering of many innocent people”.

 20231010 002 L DM Prayers for Peace in Israel and Palestine.pdf

25 Sep 2023

Bishops say issues around Voice are moral, not just political

Media Release September 25 2023


Australia’s Catholic bishops say the issues surrounding the proposed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice “are not just political”, but are also “moral and ethical”, in a statement ahead of next month’s referendum.

In Towards the Referendum, the bishops encourage all Australians to educate themselves, including by reading the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the bishops’ annual Social Justice Statement. They also invite people to listen to others’ hopes and fears.


 Bishops say issues around Voice are moral, not just political.pdf
 TOWARDS THE REFERENDUM -- A Statement from Australia's Catholic Bishops.pdf

05 Sep 2023

Re: Safeguarding Sunday

An important initiative of the Church in Australia is Safeguarding Sunday which takes place at the conclusion of National Child Protection Week on 10th September 2023. 

Safeguarding Sunday provides the opportunity to not only reaffirm child safe practices and protocols but to celebrate the presence of children and young people in our parishes and communities, as we continue to create and maintain a safe environment for all. It also invites people to pray for those harmed by abuse directly and indirectly and recognises the importance of change to ensure children grow up safe and supported by the Church.  

 20230905 002 L POR Safeguarding Sunday.pdf

01 Sep 2023

RE: The Voice Referendum

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In 2017, The Uluru Statement from the Heart was presented to the Australian Government by Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders. It called for reforms to address disparities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, specifically providing a constitutionally protected First Nations Voice and a Makarrata Commission (a process of conflict resolution, peacemaking, and justice). A copy of this statement is available to view on your church noticeboard.

On 14th October 2023, all Australian citizens will vote in the referendum on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament. Over the past months, many community leaders and leaders of organisations have put forward cases for and against this proposed alteration to our constitution. 

 20230901 004 L POR Voice Letter to Faithful.pdf

01 Sep 2023

Persistence pays off

The Southern Cross September 2023

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The Gospel from Matthew Chapter 15 for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary time Year ‘A’, which we proclaimed recently, featured the Canaanite woman ‘taking Jesus on’. Of the many elements in this Gospel, one that struck me this year was that of perseverance and persistence.

One of the great blessings of the current liturgy is the ‘richer fare’ we now have of the Word of God. I never cease to marvel at how aptly the Word of God, proclaimed in the daily readings, has that delightful knack of speaking to us, challenging us in the here-and-now.

While I’m told this does require something of a receptive ear and an open heart, many spiritual writers remind us that we ought to expect that God will actually speak to us. Where better than in the liturgy and the Liturgy of the Word for this to happen.

25 Aug 2023

Migrant and Refugee Sunday, September 24 2023

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The 109th World Day of Migrant and Refugee will take place on Sunday, 24th September 2023 with the theme, ‘Free to choose whether to migrate or to stay’. 

World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR) has been celebrated since 1914. It is an occasion to recognise the courage and fortitude of these people and heighten our level of empathy and understanding for the plight and difficult decisions they have had to make. 

The Archdiocese of Adelaide is a great example of the cultural diversity of the Catholic Church and is home to a multitude of Migrants and Refugees from all over the world. In the 21st Century, the mass global movement of people has become one of the most significant justice issues due to war and violence, climate change, economic instability, and human trafficking among other issues. World Migrant and Refugee Sunday is both a celebration of the gift of cultural diversity and a recognition of need to address the root causes of forced migration. 

 Migrant and Refugee Kit 2023.pdf
 20230822 001 L POR Migrant and Refugee Sunday.pdf

17 Aug 2023

Bishops statement calls for 'new engagement' with First Peoples

This Sunday, 27th August 2023, marks Social Justice Sunday and the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Social Justice Statement entitled Listen, Learn, Love: A New Engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples is now available for download. 
This statement comes at a crucial time as we prepared for the Voice Referendum later this you, so I would be grateful for your support in endorsing the Bishop’s Statement by promoting the Statement throughout your Parishes, Schools, Religious Congregations, Chaplaincies, Ministries, Agencies and Diocesan Departments.
Further resources available for download include:
• Social Justice Sunday Liturgy Notes
• Social Justice Statement 2023-24 Audio Version
• Social Justice Statement 2023-24 Prayer Cards

The full statement can be found here.


 Bishops' statement calls for 'new engagement' with First Peoples.pdf
 Bishop Vincent Long Address SJS Launch.pdf

01 Aug 2023

Dialogue – it's in our DNA

The Southern Cross, August 2023

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In the lead up to the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia, some were unsure about the process, thinking it was perhaps a backdoor way of implementing some sort of Church Parliament. Similarly with the coming first session of the Synod on Synodality. Thankfully, not so.

Central to each of these two processes are the essential qualities of listening and dialogue. Some reject these as ‘not the way the Church works’. This is sad and a little disappointing for it is far from the truth.

26 Jul 2023

Appointment of new Diocesan Financial Administrator

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I am pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Carlo D’Ortenzio as Diocesan Financial Administrator.

Carlo actively follows the Catholic faith and participates in St Laurence's Parish Community, North Adelaide.

Carlo is currently holding the position of the Chief Operating Officer of the Adelaide Festival Centre Trust, a position he has held for 12 years. Carlo’s career spans three decades in private and public sectors across multiple jurisdictions.  

 20230726 004 L POR Announcement of New Diocesan Financial Administrator.pdf

04 Jul 2023

Vision and Mission Statements

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The Archdiocese is a community of Communities. While each Parish, School and Community has its own identity, structure, and leadership, we are united in the love of Christ as the Church, and filled with the God’s Holy Spirit for mission. Our diversity is always a gift to be cherished and celebrated but it is also good to be reminded of what we share in common. Together, we are the Body of Christ, and each of us members of that Body, called to serve.

04 Jul 2023

Retirement of Ms Pauline Connelly

Deputy Executive Director of Centacare

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I write to inform you of the pending retirement of Pauline Connelly, Deputy Executive Director of Centacare. 

Pauline has professionally been involved in the leadership of Centacare, the welfare arm of the Archdiocese, in different capacities for 30 years. Her Christian values and deep commitment to helping those who suffer have defined her influence and service throughout this time. 

01 Jul 2023

The Lord and giver of Life

The Southern Cross July 2023

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One of the reminders that the Second Vatican Council gave to the Church was not to forget the essential role of the Holy Spirit in the life of each believer and in the life of the Church. Not that the Holy Spirit was ever forgotten, rather it was more that the Holy Spirit was less emphasised than might be.

I’m reminded of this at this time of the year when we are in the midst of confirmations within the Archdiocese. A wonderful chance to talk about the role of the Holy Spirt in the lives of each of us.

01 Jun 2023

Reflections on a Sunday in May

The Southern Cross June 2023

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In the years since I have been in Adelaide, the May Marian Procession has been held three times. Three different experiences; three prayerful experiences. While each of these three occasions have been prayerful, each has been against a world struggling to understand and live life with COVID and other world difficulties. You might remember last year we featured the Ukrainian Rite as an act of solidarity with Ukraine.

16 May 2023

Celebrating National Volunteers Week

Thank you to our volunteers


I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank and recognise all of our volunteers within the Archdiocese of Adelaide through our Parishes, Schools and other Organisations as we celebrate National Volunteer Week 15th -21st May, 2023.

 20230516 008 L POR Celebrating National Volunteer Week 2023.pdf

01 May 2023

Building up a vocational 'symphony'

The Southern Cross May 2023

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St Joseph, the patron of the universal Church, was many things. In particular, he was a dreamer. God’s plan for him was revealed in dreams. God sustained him in his mission through his dreams.

Joseph learnt not simply to follow his own will but to do the will of God, God’s dream, in dreams. This is not to say that Joseph was dreamy or unconnected with this world, rather the opposite. He was deeply engaged in his mission within the Holy Family because of this.

05 Apr 2023

2023 Easter message

The transforming power of faith

My dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

Might I begin by asking a question? Have you ever been disappointed? Has someone ever let you down? Sadly it is an experience that we all have at some stage of our life or another.


03 Apr 2023

Chrism Mass homily


Every sail needs a boat, every boat a direction and ocean, every
direction a navigator. My role is to make sure that we as a
Archdiocese, a community of communities, dwells deeply in
communion, with God, the universal church and our local church.
I pray that it will be that there be one boat. 

 Chrism Mass 2023.pdf

24 Mar 2023

Pastoral planning in the Adelaide Archdiocese

Letter to the faithful

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Archbishop O'Regan has written to the faithful to inform them of the establishment of a focus group to look at the pastoral reality of our communities.

 20230324 005 L POR Pastoral Planning in the Archdiocese.pdf

01 Mar 2023

Who is my neighbour?

The Southern Cross March 2023

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It is a feature of our current times, in large cities especially, that people do not know their neighbours. Such is the pace of modern life; such is the transitory nature of people’s stay in one place that the sheer time needed for such bonds to develop is often not there. Four conferences of bishops are members of a group that meets every four years: the Catholic Bishops Conference of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands; the Federation of Catholic Bishops Conference of Oceania; the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference and the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. The latest meeting, which concluded last month in Fiji, was more than a chance to get to know our neighbours. It also sought to:

09 Feb 2023

Federation of Catholic Bishops Conference of Oceania


Hear from our own Archbishop Patrick O'Regan on the fourth day of the Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania in Fiji as they discern the themes of the Synod. https://www.facebook.com/fcbco.org/

01 Feb 2023

Paul's Race

The Southern Cross February 2023

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During December 2022 and in January 2023 the streets of Adelaide were awash with two different kinds of races. Both attracted record crowds.

The first was the Adelaide 500 for Supercars, the second the Tour Down Under. Both events recommencing after not having been held for a couple of years.

There is something in the human spirit that is captivated by this kind of contest which pits people and technology against each other. Maybe it is the outward show of what is happening inside each of us. In each of us there is also this struggle, acknowledged or not, for meaning and purpose and a way of reconciling. Somehow when we see that played out in a contest we seem to be able to live better the inner inconsistencies that we all experience.

01 Jan 2023

Death of Pope Benedict


Statement from Archbishop Patrick O'Regan on the death of Pope Benedict. 

“I was saddened to hear of the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI at the age of 95 on New Year’s Eve, 2022.

Among his many gifts to the Church, two stand out: first his contribution as a theologian. From seminary days I remember being inspired by the clarity and inspiration of his writings.

In speaking of the last three popes it has often been said that people came to see Pope John Paul II; to listen to Benedict XVI and to be with Pope Francis.

 MR - Pope Benedict Jan 1 23.pdf

19 Dec 2022

2022 Christmas Message

17 Dec 2022

The postman rings

The Southern Cross December 2022


The title of a film or novel is an important feature of any work. Sometimes it is obvious; other times it is downright mysterious and seemingly unrelated to the film or book. One such example is James M Cain’s 1934 novel The Postman Always Rings Twice. It caused quite a stir upon publication. It is not obvious why this crime novel and psychological thriller is titled thus. Only after reading the book does it slowly become clear what it means, for there is no obvious ‘postman’ in the book. While ‘the ring’ is an exploration of the role of fate in people’s lives, it can also describe the action of God in our lives.

As Advent continues, we might do well to think about the way God interacts with us. God not only always rings once, twice, but three, four and many times, and knocks on the door of our heart insistently. So many times we see Advent as something we do. Might we think of it also as something God does?

15 Dec 2022

Clergy Appointments 2023

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After a long and prayerful process, I wish to communicate the following appointments to you.

1. Fr Manu Kumbidiyamackal MSFS is appointed as Parish Priest of the Henley Beach Parish beginning the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, the weekend of 21st - 22nd January 2023.

2. During early January, after the departure of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart from Henley Beach Parish, Fr Roderick O’Brien will be the temporary Administrator of the Parish until Fr Manu takes up his appointment.

3.  Fr Kym Spurling is appointed as Parish Priest of the Para Hills/Modbury Parish beginning the weekend of 21st – 22nd January 2023.

23 Nov 2022

Re: Prayers for Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania (FCBCO)


The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference is a member of the Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania.

Every five years the Bishops of Oceania gather together in Conference.

The next meeting will be held in Suva, Fiji from 4th to 10th February 2023, which coincides with the Continental phase in preparation for the Synod of Bishops.

 20221123 002 L POR - Prayers for FCBCO 2023.pdf
 Prayers for the Assembly - FCBCO.pdf

22 Nov 2022

Appointment of New Director of Centacare Catholic Family Services

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I am pleased to announce the appointment of Leanne Haddad as Director of Centacare Catholic Family Services. As many of you know, Leanne has for the past year been Deputy Director, providing leadership, corporate and service delivery support to Director Pauline Connelly.

Leanne has worked in both Government and non-Government services across operational child protection positions, policy and planning, learning and development, contract management, service design, leadership and executive roles. 

She joined Centacare in 2017 as Executive Manager of Children’s Services and turned at-risk contracts into highly successful programs which exceeded key performance indicators and outcomes, and increased service scope and funding.

 20221122 002 L POR Appointment of new Centacare Director.pdf

07 Nov 2022

How do we live in this world?

The Southern Cross November 2022

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Sooner or later each person of faith has to choose how they will relate to the world around them. Some people of faith might choose to engage; some might choose to reject the world or some combination in between. At some stage we have to make a choice.

Our Catholic tradition believes that, while ever imperfect, this world was created by God, and thus by definition is good.

As a part of Jesus’ priestly prayer in John Chapter 17, he prayed for his disciples and those who would come after them (that’s us too). In this prayer, he expressed that his disciples were not of this world any more than he was.

03 Nov 2022

Working Document for the Continental Stage (DCS)

Invitation to participate in the review

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Shortly after our 2022 Diocesan Assembly, the General Secretariat of the Synod released the Working Document for the Continental Stage (DCS).

It is a synthesis of the 112 national submissions to the 2023-24 Global Synod on Synodality.

Within the DCS is a request that each Diocese develop a process to review the document and offer feedback.

However, there is a very short deadline for the feedback process in Australia. All feedback must be submitted to the National Pastoral Research Office by Friday, 9th  December 2022.  

 20221103 004 L POR DCS.pdf

01 Oct 2022

We’ll meet again

The Southern Cross | October 2022

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Many have been the tributes, reflections and expressions of gratitude for the life of our late Queen Elizabeth II. All have reflected a deep sense of gratitude for a life of tireless service, well-lived. One of the most touching, to me, were those which commented on her role as a mother. Mother to her family; to a nation; to a Commonwealth; mother to so many in a myriad of ways.

It was of interest to me that the Queen’s birthday into eternal life, September 8, was also the birthday of Mary, the Mother of God.

01 Sep 2022

In the air and on the ground

The Southern Cross September 2022

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“You’re lucky,” says the person next to me. “You don’t see that every day. You’re lucky you’ve come both on a clear day and now!”

Luck? Blest I’d say. It took me a little while to understand to that which he was referring. We were on a plane travelling to Darwin. I was heading to celebrate with Bishop Charles Gauci and Emeritus Bishop Eugene Hurley, and the Church of Darwin, the 60th anniversary of the opening of St Mary's Star of the Sea Cathedral.

Our view out the window was of an unimpeded landscape of what the psalmist refers to as ‘a dry weary land without water’. Yet snaking serpentine like through this ‘dry weary land was a river’, were rivers of brown coloured water. I had no idea where I was, yet it was a sight to behold.

16 Aug 2022

Migrant and Refugee Sunday 25th September 2022

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The 108th World Day of Migrant and Refugee will take place on Sunday, 25th September 2022 with the theme, ‘Building a Better Future with Migrants and Refugees’ .

The Archdiocese of Adelaide is a beautiful example of the cultural diversity of the Catholic Church and is home to a multitude of Migrants and Refugees from all over the world. In the 21st Century, the mass global movement of people has become one of the most significant justice issues due to war and violence, climate change, economic instability, and human trafficking among other issues. World Migrant and Refugee Sunday is both a celebration of the gift of cultural diversity and a recognition of need to address the root causes of forced migration. 

 20220816 002 L POR Migrant and Refugee Sunday.pdf
 WDMR Resources 2022.pdf
 2022 WDMR Poster.pdf

18 Jul 2022

Blessing of Significant Wedding Anniversaries


After a very successful and positive response in 2021, it has been decided that the celebration for Wedding Anniversaries in the Archdiocese will continue to be held in local communities to recognise couples in their life-long commitment.

 20220718 001 L POR Blessing of Significant Wedding Anniversaries.pdf

04 Jul 2022

Hearts that knew no bounds

The Southern Cross July 2022

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Easter has finally come to an end. After a week of weeks we have celebrated the great feast of Pentecost. In so doing we were called to acknowledge the irreplaceable role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the life of the Church, sometimes, if not forgotten, not given a prominent appreciation. Pentecost challenges us to remember that what we are really seeking in our lives, hungering and yearning for, is already inside us, waiting to be discovered, waiting to be embraced; the Holy Spirit of God, living within us from the moment of our baptism. Listening to the voice of the Spirit has been our constant concern since 2018 as we have prayerfully prepared for the Plenary Council. Come, Holy Spirit, we pray, fill our hearts and set us on fire!

01 Jul 2022

Ordination to the Diaconate

Mr James Thompson

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My dear sisters and brothers in Christ, 

It is with great joy and thanks to Almighty God, that I announce the Ordination to the Diaconate of Mr James Thompson on Saturday, 3rd of September, 2022 at 10.00am at St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral, Adelaide. After a short break Deacon James will then return to Saint John XXIII Seminary to complete the requirements necessary for priestly ordination which will, God willing, occur sometime after his return to us in May 2023. Please keep James in your prayer, as well as prayer for many more to follow in his footsteps. 

In Domino,  Archbishop Patrick O'Regan

17 Jun 2022


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I am writing to clarify a number of issues:

1.         COVID Marshals are no longer required except for events covered by a COVID Management Plan (i.e. over 1000 people). I take this opportunity to thank the many dedicated COVID Marshals that have so generously navigated us through COVID compliance.

2.         The following activities may resume:

a.  Procession of Gifts; b. Collections: please be mindful to minimise contact when passing. Some parishes have invested in long poles that are attached to collection baskets or plates; c. Children’s Liturgy of the Word; d. After Mass Gatherings and Parish Meetings (i.e. Parish Council, youth activities, gatherings for a cup of tea after Mass). Please ensure that social distancing and hygiene practices are maintained.

 20220617 001 L POR COVID 19.pdf

01 Jun 2022

Playing the timely tune, singing the timely song

The Southern Cross, June 2022

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Generations of young Australian children grew up watching Play School and well knew its signature tune, 'There’s a bear in there'!

Few would know that it was written by Richard Connelly. More would be familiar with the hymns that he wrote with the famous Australian poet, James McAuley (1917-1976). In the 1960s the pair’s work anchored the Living Parish Hymn Book, edited by Fr Tony Newman which would go on to sell more than one million copies over the next decade, enabling congregations to sing hymns in a distinctively Australian voice. Connelly died recently on May 4 2022, aged 94.

06 May 2022

Marian Procession - Sunday May 22, 2pm

Important reminder

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I would like to encourage all to attend the upcoming Marian Procession at the Adelaide Showgrounds on Sunday, May 22, 2022 at 2pm.

This year, in support of our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, the image that will lead our procession is Vyshhorodska - Mother of God carried by the Ukrainian Community in Adelaide.

01 May 2022

Easter: the death of death

The Southern Cross, May 2022

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What is Easter? For people of faith it is the high point of the year; for some it is simply an extended long weekend. How many of us really believe that it lasts for 50 days? That’s 50 days to receive the gift of new life and integrate it more deeply into all aspects of our lives; 50 days as God’s holy people to make sure the new life that transforms us allows us to make a difference in the church and the world.

12 Apr 2022

Easter message 2022

Running to the tomb

 Easter message - Running to the tomb.pdf

12 Apr 2022

COVID directions

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You would be aware that an announcement has been made this morning around the removal of both mask wearing and QR codes effective 12:01am 15th April 2022.

As this Holy Week will see an increase in numbers of people in our churches, I strongly recommend that people are encouraged to continue wearing masks. It is my expectation that priests and anyone carrying out a public role continue to do so. We will continue to review this situation.

 20220412 006 L POR COVID Directions.pdf

09 Apr 2022

Remember why you started!

The Southern Cross, April 2022

For Catholics, Easter is preceded by a time of preparation called Lent which seeks to renew our minds and hearts that we might, with joy, celebrate the central feast of our faith, the resurrection of Christ.

Easter 2022 will be the third Easter where we have had to be aware of COVID and its impact on our lives. When talking with people about their lives they are certainly weary of what the past two years and now three Easters have been. At the same time they expressed a caution that as much as we would wish it otherwise, the pandemic is not over, even as some restrictions have been lifted.

22 Mar 2022

Re: Consecration of Russia and Ukraine

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I will join Pope Francis and all the Bishops around the world in the Consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on Friday, 25th March 2022 at the 5.45pm Mass in St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral.

The purpose of this time of prayer is to ask for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary before God to bring about peace between Russia and Ukraine, and to implore God’s protection upon the millions of innocent men, women, and children whose lives are in danger every day until the conflict ends.

 20220322 003 L POR Consecration of Russia and Ukraine.pdf
 Make time to unite with Pope Francis in prayer.pdf
 Prayer for Ukraine.jpg

21 Mar 2022

Marian Procession - Sunday May 22, 2pm

Adelaide Showgrounds - date claimer

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Each year the Archdiocese hosts the annual Marian Procession in honour of Our Lady. This event has been running for almost 75 years and is one of the longest standing consecutive events in the Australian Catholic Church.

This year, in support of our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, the image that will lead our procession is Vyshhorodska - Mother of God carried by the Ukrainian Community in Adelaide.  

 20220318 004 L POR Marian Procession Date Claimer.pdf

11 Mar 2022

Changes to COVID directions

From 12.01am Saturday March 12

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As of 12:01am Saturday, March 12 2022 the following changes include:

  1. Churches may return to full capacity.
  1. Places of Worship are included in the list of Defined Public Activities, therefore QR codes or sign-ins ARE STILL REQUIRED.
  1. Masks are still mandatory.
  1. If you require further information you can call the SA COVID-19 Information Line on 1800 253 787 between the hours of 9am to 5pm 7 days per week or go to the SA Health website at www.sahealth.sa.gov.au or www.sa.gov.au/covid-19
09 Mar 2022

Clergy appointments

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I wish to communicate the following clergy appointments.

1.    Fr Saminathan Arockiasamy SdM - from Assistant Priest in the Adelaide Cathedral Parish to Assistant Priest Croydon Park Parish, effective Friday 22nd April, 2022.
2.    Rev. Mr Anthony Beltrame – post ordination to the priesthood, as Assistant Priest in the Adelaide Cathedral Parish, effective 19th March, 2022.
3.    Rev. Mr Olek Stirrat - post ordination to the priesthood, as Assistant Priest in the Mount Gambier and Millicent Parishes, effective 19th March, 2022.

08 Mar 2022

Emergency Flood Appeals

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In recent weeks, heavy rain has submerged some part of New South Wales and Queensland affecting many people and families. You may personally know people who have been affected.

 20220308 002 L POR Flood Appeals[87].pdf

01 Mar 2022

What’s in it for us?

The Southern Cross March 2022


Sometimes we humans make decisions based solely on the principle of ‘What’s in it for me?’

Before deciding to contribute to something, sometimes there is a subtle calculus we apply to see, well, ‘what’s in it for me?’. This is not surprising in some ways as it is part of that self-preservation element to our lives.

Yet the way of the disciple actually teaches us to ask a slightly different question, ‘what’s in it for us?’ It is not always easy to break away from that first question, but it is important if we are not simply to live in a bubble but as a genuine human and Christian society.

25 Feb 2022

Day of Fasting for Peace

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In light of recent events Pope Francis has announced March 2, Ash Wednesday, as a day of fasting and prayer for Ukraine.

  Day of Prayer and Fasting for Ukraine and World Peace.pdf

21 Feb 2022

RE: Celebrating Ash Wednesday and the Holy Week in time of Pandemic


I wish to communicate the following information to you.

1.         Social Distancing

The current direction that applies to Places of Worship is 3 persons per 4 sqm. We will provide further information if this changes.

2.         Ash Wednesday Distribution of Ashes

2.1 Ashes ARE NOT to be directly applied to the forehead.

2.2 In place of ashes being applied:

a)  The Priest says the prayer for blessing the ashes. He sprinkles the ashes with holy water, without saying anything. Then he addresses all those present and only once says the formula as it appears in the Roman Missal, applying it to all in general: “Repent, and believe in the Gospel”, or “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return”.

b)  The Priest then cleanses his hands, puts on a face mask and distributes the ashes to those who come to him or, if appropriate, he goes to those who are standing in their places.

c)   The Priest takes the ashes and sprinkles them on the head of each one without saying anything.

 20220221 001 L POR Holy Week 2022.pdf

03 Feb 2022

30th World Day of the Sick - February 11 2022


The Message of Pope Francis for World Day of the Sick 2022 is attached in PDF format.

The publication of the Message was reported on the Dicastery website on 4th  January 2021. It can also be accessed online at: https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/sick/documents/20211210_30-giornata-malato.html

 World Day of the Sick - Message of Pope Francis - 2022.pdf

03 Feb 2022

Ordination to the Priesthood

Reverend Mr Anthony Beltrame and Reverend Mr Olek Stirrat

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Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, Grace and peace, I hope this note finds you well.

It is with great joy and thanks to Almighty God that I announce the Ordination to the Priesthood of Reverend Mr Anthony Beltrame and Reverend Mr Olek Stirrat on Saturday 12th March, 2022 at 10.00am, at St Francis Xavier's Cathedral, Adelaide.

Please keep both Anthony and Olek in your prayers. More details will follow.

In Domino, Archbishop Patrick O'Regan

02 Feb 2022

World Day for Consecrated Life

To all Priests and Migrant Chaplains


The World Day for Consecrated Life is celebrated each year on the Feast of the Presentation, 2nd February, since its instigation by Saint Pope John Paul in 1987.

The intention was threefold.

1.            To thank God for the gift of Consecrated Life which enriches the Christian community by the multiplicity of its charisms and by the fruits of those who respond to this call of love and mission totally given to the cause of the Kingdom.

2.            To promote the knowledge and appreciation of Consecrated Life within our Church and world.

3.            For Consecrated persons to thank God for what has been accomplished through them and to recognise their irreplaceable mission in the Church and world.

 Celebration Suggestions World Day for Consecrated Life.docx
 20220121 002 L POR World Day for Consecrated Life.pdf

28 Jan 2022

COVID directions


A number of queries are being received by Archbishop’s office so I am writing to re-iterate some guidelines. 

It is my expectation that by now every priest is vaccinated. 

It is important to limit movement in the Church and maintain good hygiene practices. 

This must be achieved by: 

  1. Wearing a mask at all times, especially by those distributing Communion, including the Priest 
  2. Regular sanitization of hands 
  3. Continued omission of the Offertory Procession and Collections 
  4. Strictly no Communion on the tongue 
  5. Maintaining recommended social distancing e.g. within the Church and whilst going to Communion 
  6. No communal gathering after Mass 
  7. Maintaining QR Code compliance or collection of names and phone numbers of those attending.

 20220128 003 L POR COVID Directions.pdf

25 Jan 2022

Sunday of the Word of God and Commissioning of Faith Formators

February 6 2022


The Church in Australia will celebrate the Sunday of the Word of God on the first Sunday in February – 6th February 2022. Pope Francis established the day, which is devoted to “the celebration, study and dissemination” of the Word of God.  

In collaboration with the National Office for Liturgy, a range of resources have been prepared for the promotion and celebration of Word of God Sunday.

 20220125 003 L POR.pdf

22 Dec 2021

Additional appointments


Further to my ad clerum of last Friday I wish to advise of the following additional appointments. Please click on link below to read.

20 Dec 2021

Clergy appointments


I wish to communicate the following appointments I have made, all effective from the Feast of St Agnes, Friday January 21, 2022.

17 Dec 2021

Advent and Christmas message

Watching and waiting

One of the great themes of Advent is that of watching and waiting.

It seems we are a little ambiguous about that: on the one hand COVID seems to have put us into a perpetual state of both watching and waiting; watching and waiting for the pandemic to end, waiting for everyone to be vaccinated; on the other hand we actually find ourselves becoming more impatient and more anxious; anxious to get back to our usual ways of life; waiting to get back to just being able to meet family and friends, to church in a way that is not on a screen.

View the video or read the message below.

 Advent and Christmas message.pdf

15 Dec 2021

Fruits of first Plenary Council assembly published

Proposals from small groups and individual members

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I am delighted to communicate the Report for the first Plenary Council Assembly.

 Plenary Council First Assembly Report.pdf

01 Dec 2021

The Christmas Love Letter

The Southern Cross December 2021


When was the last time you received a love letter? I guess that these days they come in all shapes and sizes and social media manifestations. Often these types of letters are treasures poured over and preserved as it crystallises in one moment a significant communication from the one we love and the one who loves us.

Love letters have many forms: a photo, a piece of poetry, a shared symbol that has a shared meaning for each person involved, and just plain prose. Most often these are treasured no matter in what form they might come. This seems to be more so with COVID allowing less personal contact than usual. We’ve had to learn to treasure and savour the good, having something to look at helps this to be so.

19 Nov 2021

COVID information

Message from Archbishop O'Regan


I am writing to remind our communities that we must remain steadfast in continuing to do the good work of keeping South Australia safe, with the borders about to open up.  

As we move into this next phase it has been indicated there will be no further State lockdowns however, testing and quarantine for those infected/casual and close contacts will remain in place. 

The length of time for quarantine is dependent on vaccination status. A General Public matrix has been developed (see attached). In addition to this SA Health will conduct detailed risk assessments for each situation and a tailored approach will be developed for each person/site whether infected or in close proximity to someone infected.

 20211118 005 L POR .pdf

08 Nov 2021

‘If you knew the gift of God’

The Southern Cross November 2021

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Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, within the space of a month, three significant events have happened within our church: our local Diocesan Assembly, the first session of the Fifth Plenary Council of the Catholic Church in Australia and the beginning phase of the next Synod of Bishops to be held in 2023 on synodality.

Characteristic of all of these three movements in the Church is prayer. This was especially the case during the recent first gathering of the Plenary Council. Unsurprisingly, each day the general gathering and the discussion groups began with prayer, speaking and listening. Before we spoke, we allowed God to speak. Several times during the day we would stop and pray. Radical perhaps, necessary always.

03 Nov 2021

Synod process

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Grace and peace, I hope this note finds you well.

I wrote to you recently about the opening of the Synod. 

The Synod Preparatory Document poses two important questions:

  1.  How are we journeying together today in our local church
  2. What steps does the Spirit invite us to take in order to grow in our “journeying”?

The theme: For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission connects well with our Diocesan and National pathways as we continue to give full expression of our journeying together.

 2021103 0021 L POR Synod.pdf

20 Oct 2021

Re: Wearing of masks in churches

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I am writing to clarify an issue that has come to my attention through several parishes.

1.         The wearing of masks:

  • Please remind your congregations that masks must cover both the nose and the mouth.
  • The wearing of masks is mandatory in churches under the Emergency Management Direction 2021. Penalties apply for non-compliance.
  • Provisions exist to accommodate people with health issues however they are required to provide proof they have an exemption.
  • Conscientious objection does not apply in these circumstances. An individual can object to wearing a mask and it is our right to refuse entry to our premises. People who refuse to wear masks are prohibited from entering our premises and the Direction allows for the Police to be called in such instances.

 20211020 003 L POR Wearing of Masks.pdf

13 Oct 2021

Opening of World of Synod of Bishops on Synodality


On Sunday, Pope Francis celebrated Mass to mark the global launch of the Synod of Bishops with the theme: For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission. In dioceses around the world, local launches will take place this coming weekend, ushering in a period of local consultation that will assist with the two-year process that will culminate in the Synod of Bishops gathering in Rome in October 2023. 

As you know, the Ordo names this as the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. However, on the occasion of the opening of a World Synod, it would be appropriate for all local communities to celebrate using the Readings from the Mass for a Council or Synod (Lectionary for Mass III, pp. 430-434) and the Prayers either from the Mass for a Council or a Synod (Roman Missal, pp. 1310ff) or those from the Mass of the Holy Spirit (RM 1407ff) and the Preface of the Holy Spirit (RM 1408) 

 Liturgical Suggestions for Opening of the Synod of Bishops in Australia.pdf

01 Oct 2021

A moment of grace

The Southern Cross October 2021

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A central aspect of our faith is that the human person is made for communion; communion with God; communion with our sisters and brothers; communion with our deepest self and communion with the whole of creation. Notice the important connective word ‘with’. Sin is where this communion becomes strained, broken, ruptured, misses the mark, stretched. Grace is that which continually and unceasingly draws us back into communion. Each person and community’s story is the interplay of these two things. Spoiler alert! Grace wins in the end.

I write these few words just after the first night and day sessions of our recent Diocesan Assembly and before our concluding session a few days later. My deep thanks to our organising team for providing such a powerful experience.

23 Sep 2021

Archbishop's presentation to the Diocesan Assembly

September 23 2021 - final session


Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, God is Good, Good Indeed.

A Moment to focus on the face of Christ.

1.      Where is God?

Life is lived at such a pace these days that we have, if not lost, certainly misplaced the art of savouring things. One of the benefits of coming together again a few days after the first part of our Diocesan Assembly is that we have had a time to savour what we experienced and let the dust settle a little.

The story goes that little Mary was sitting in religious education class one day. As some of you might remember one form of the Catechism was a series of question and answers. Things were going very well with the correct answer being fired back rapidly to the teacher as every question was asked. It came to little Mary’s turn and the teacher asked her the question, “Mary, Where is God?”, and with that out she flew out of the classroom and headed straight home and hid under her bed. Her distraught parents came running in and asked, “Mary what ever is the matter?” To which Mary responded, “God’s missing and they’re blaming me.”

17 Sep 2021

Archbishop's presentation to the Diocesan Assembly

September 17 2021


My dear sisters and brothers. Thank you for coming here it is good to be here. Our Assembly seeks to put God at the centre of all that we are and all that we do. I come here tonight as a Pastor and Shepherd, who seeks to gather our family together. Welcome to your Assembly.



09 Sep 2021

Changes to COVID directions, weddings and funerals

from 12.01am Thursday September 9

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As from 12:01am Thursday, September 9 2021, according to SA Police Communications the following changes have been made to the Activities Associated Direction. 

  1. The number of people that you can have at a Private Activity (at a non-licensed premise) has increased from 50 people to 150 people provided density requirements are met.
  2. However, if more than 50 people are present, you must have a COVID Marshal who is independent and not impaired by alcohol or drugs. There must be an approved contract tracing system and records (COVID Safe check-in).
  3. If there are over 50 people present you cannot dance. If people are singing, they must wear a mask.
  4. Other existing requirements remain.
  5. All existing directions, frequently asked questions and other information can be found here: https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/emergency-declarations
  6. If you require further information you can call the SA COVID-19 Information Line on 1800 253 787 between the hours of 9am to 5pm 7 days per week or go to the SA Health website at www.sahealth.sa.gov.au or www.sa.gov.au/covid-19
01 Sep 2021

Nomads and pilgrims

The Southern Cross September 2021

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The American actor Frances McDormand has been described as one of the most acclaimed actresses of her generation, and is known for her portrayals of quirky, headstrong characters.

Her latest movie is Nomadland and is based on the 2017 non-fiction book Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century by Jessica Bruder. Frances McDormand (pictured) stars as Fern, a working nomad who leaves her hometown after her husband dies and the sole industry closes down, to be ‘houseless’ and travel around the United States. Nomadland explores many themes; along with the hardship and the heartache, there is also serenity in this way of life, even a kind of euphoria. The film is worth a look

10 Aug 2021

Update on COVID new restrictions in SA

from Thursday August 12 and an update August 27

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New restrictions will come into effect at 12.01am Thursday August 12:

  1. Places of Worship are restricted to 3 people per 4 square metres. The wearing of masks is still mandatory.
  2. Funeral and weddings continue to be restricted to 50 people provided density requirements are met.
  3. Wearing of masks in parish offices is strongly recommended.
  4. From the Emergency Management Direction 2021 (updated 27th August 2021): ‘Attendees at indoor religious services may sing during worship and members of choirs or chorus groups may perform or rehearse indoors, if they wear masks while doing so.’


02 Aug 2021

Update on COVID-19 restrictions in SA

from Thursday August 5

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New COVID-19 restrictions will come into effect in South Australia at 12.01am Thursday August 5 2021.

The new restrictions include:

  1. Places of Worship are restricted to 1 person per 2 square metres.
  2. The wearing of masks is still mandatory.
  3. Funeral and weddings continue to be restricted to 50 people provided density requirements are met.
  4. Wearing of masks in parish offices: is strongly recommended.
  5. Choirs and congregational singing: are not permitted. A single singer is permitted.
27 Jul 2021

Update on COVID new restrictions in SA

from Wednesday July 28

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Dear sisters and brothers,
On behalf of Archbishop Patrick O’Regan, I would like to communicate the new restrictions that will come into effect at 12.01am Wednesday, 28th July 2021 regarding COVID-19 restrictions in South Australia. These restrictions will be in place for 7 days.
The current restrictions are:

  1. Places of Worship are restricted to 1 person per 4 square metres.
  2. The wearing of masks is mandatory for indoors places. (Celebrants exempt)
  3. Funeral and weddings are restricted to 50 people provided density requirements are met.
  4. Wearing of masks in parish offices is strongly recommended.
  5. Choirs and Congregational Singing are not permitted. A single singer is permitted.
  6. Recommendation from Archdiocesan Office that tea/coffee after Mass be suspended for the following 7 days.

Further to this we ask that you please contact our office if there needs to be a change of plan in relation to any upcoming Confirmation ceremony. We suggest where possible they go ahead within the current restrictions.

If you would like further assistance please contact Deb Nation and her team at Catholic Health Safety and Welfare on 08 8215 6850.

21 Jul 2021

Update on live streaming

Clarification being sought

Further to the advice provided yesterday regarding the State-wide lock down, we have now received the list of Essential Workers issued by SAPOL in relation to the current restrictions. The list of essential (authorised) workers includes Faith Leaders broadcasting services or ceremonies at Places of Worship. Any live streaming of services would need to be done without assistance from other people. At present the Leaders of Christian Churches of South Australia (LoCCSA) is seeking further clarification if Faith Leaders can have assistance from a camera operator or sound person. An update will be provided once we have further information.

20 Jul 2021

COVID-19 SA lock down

Information for parishes

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With the Premier announcing a hard lock down from 6pm tonight (July 20), churches will be closed as of 6pm and there will be no live streaming permitted due to the restriction on all work except essential services.

This means parishes must also close their offices and no ceremonies are to take place including any Masses, weddings, funerals and confirmations until further notice.

It is envisaged, at this stage, that the lock down will be for a period of 7 days.

If you would like further assistance please contact Deb Nation and her team at Catholic Health Safety and Welfare on 08 8215 6850.

Importantly, please take care of yourself, your employees and reach out to members of your community. You may wish to encourage the many online forums in particular:

  • Mass for You at Home – the official website of Mass For You At Home, Australia online
  • Channel 10 every Sunday at 6am.
01 Jul 2021

Being good stewards

The Southern Cross | July 2021

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Having been installed as Archbishop some 13 months ago, I have often in this time thought about the Christian notion of ‘stewardship’. While there is rightly a lot of talk about leadership and governance in preparing for both the Diocesan Assembly in September and the Plenary Council which begins in October, at the heart of all of these and underpinning all that we do, is the quality of being a good steward.

Sometimes, when we hear this word, we associate it with financial giving and management, or perhaps a waiter. I’ve come to understand it as one of the most important qualities we can build into our lives. It both assists our understanding in approaching life in general and ministry in particular.

Once we see that all that we have and all that we are is a ‘gift’, then our role is not to ‘own’, but to ‘care for’, ‘look after’. How often do we hear that particular Australian phrase, ‘look after yourself’?

29 Jun 2021

Re Update to COVID-19 and restrictions in South Australia


I wish to communicate the following information to you regarding changes announced which have taken effect from today, Tuesday, 29th June 2021 at 12.01am and it has been indicated that these changes will last for 7 days. After 7 days, or before, they will be reviewed.

1.    Density and Capacity Requirements:

a)    The density requirement has changed to 1 person per 2 sqm.  You will receive a new COVID Safe Plan via email from the Government.
b)    Weddings and funerals are capped at 150 people (provided density requirement is met).

2.    Masks

As we are moving to a new density requirement, which allows more space per person, masks are not required.

3.    Congregational Singing

The Premier also announced yesterday that singing is not permitted unless it is a “performance, an education establishment or a private lesson”. In these circumstances I am suggesting the return to very small choirs and no congregational singing. Members of choirs should be spaced more than 1.5 metres apart.

 20210629 005 L POR Update to COVID19 .pdf

08 Jun 2021

Diocesan Assembly

Grace and peace, I hope this note finds your well.

I am writing to provide you with some important information regarding the forthcoming Diocesan Assembly. This information will assist you with the task of animating your community for engagement with the consultation process for the 2021 Diocesan Assembly.

1.    The Diocesan Assembly will be held on the evening of Friday, 17th September 2021 and all day Saturday, 18th September 2021. It will be held at Cabra Dominican College, 225 Cross Road, Cumberland Park. Overnight accommodation and hospitality will be provided for regional attendees.

2.    A concluding session will be held on the evening of Thursday, 23rd September 2021 at a venue to be advised with an online facility available for regional attendees.

 20210608 001 L POR Diocesan Assembly.pdf

01 Jun 2021

A woman of action

The Southern Cross | June 2021

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In Luke’s Gospel of the Visitation we hear that ‘Mary set out and went as quickly as she could to a town in hill country of Judah’.

What Mary does here is hardly a holiday. She has just been told that she is to be the Mother of God. And rather than keeping this news to herself, or wondering how she will cope, she sets out on a journey, to visit her cousin, Elizabeth – and we have this momentous scene that follows, the Visitation.

Not only does Mary take this journey to a town of Judah but, with this event, the great journey of her life begins – an adventure that will not end until her final journey, to heaven.

27 May 2021

SA faith leaders statement

Archbishop Patrick O’Regan has been joined by other faith leaders in opposing moves to legalise assisted suicide in South Australia.

A Good Death: Statement on the provision of high quality end of life care  

Our Vision for South Australia

We, the undersigned, believe that our society should be a caring and compassionate one, founded on the promotion of human dignity, human freedom and the common good.  

All individuals are worthy of being valued and feeling valued by our society, regardless of the circumstances in which they find themselves. Our leaders and laws should affirm this basic worth.

  • All individuals are essentially free and capable of living meaningful and purposeful lives. The meaningfulness of our lives as free beings and as a community should be affirmed and fostered by society, including our government and government agencies.
  • As a community we should work together to secure the common good. The common good is all the material and social conditions necessary for all individuals to live truly meaningful, purposeful and fulfilling lives in and through their relationships with others. These conditions include access to high-quality health care, aged care and end-of-life care.

 SA Faith Leaders statement.pdf

06 May 2021

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill


It is extremely disappointing to learn that the Premier Steven Marshall has decided to progress the voluntary assisted suicide bill through the Lower House immediately, with a view to having it debated as quickly as possible.

Despite the issue of euthanasia being around for many years, the bill passed by the Upper House this week has not been widely consulted on, yet it has far reaching consequences for our community.

Only this week I met with members of the medical profession and palliative care specialists who expressed serious concerns about the impact of the bill on vulnerable people and on our Catholic health care providers. 

 20210506 001 L POR VAD Bill.pdf

03 May 2021

The faces of faith

The Southern Cross - May 2021

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Three simple words: Christ is Risen! With these three words the whole of what Easter is, is explained for us. Notice that this phrase uses what we call the present tense. It does not say ‘Christ has Risen’, although this is undeniably true, but rather it says ‘Christ is Risen’. Understanding this, and living this, is what it means to be a missionary disciple of Christ, and it takes a lifetime to live out. It is sometimes easy to think that all that Easter does is to commemorate what happened 2000 years ago, true enough. Yet when we say that ‘Christ is Risen and Risen indeed’ we bring it into each day of our life. It becomes the light by which we live our lives.

31 Mar 2021

RE: Update from South Australian Police (SAPOL): increase of capacity for churches


Grace and peace, I hope that this note finds you well. 

I wish to communicate the following information to you regarding changes announced which have taken effect from today, Wednesday 31st March at 12:01am. The full details for the direction can be found at: Public activities | SA.GOV.AU: COVID-19 (covid-19.sa.gov.au).

I draw your attention to the following points:

  1. Where worshippers are in fixed seating the requirement is that worshippers wear masks when more than 75% of the seats are occupied.
  2. Where worshippers are not in fixed seating the requirements is that worshippers wear masks if the total number of persons present at the place exceeds 3 person per 4 square metres.

 20210331 001 L POR COVID Update.pdf
 COVID-19 Capacity Requirements Diagram.pdf

29 Mar 2021

Letting Easter surprise us

The Southern Cross - April 2021

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Although Jesus had, on more than one occasion, foreshadowed his coming death and resurrection, his disciples were slow to believe that this would actually happen, or understand what this actually meant. (It is always something of a consolation to know that Jesus’ closest companions took a while to understand. That is the nature of discipleship: something that gradually unfolds and takes a lifetime to understand and live.)

 Letting Easter surprise us - Archbishop Patrick O'Regan April 2021.pdf

29 Mar 2021

Apostolic Letter - Patris Corde of the Holy Father Francis

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On the 150th anniversary of the Proclamation of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church

WITH A FATHER’S HEART: that is how Joseph loved Jesus, whom all four Gospels refer to as “the son of Joseph”.[1]

Matthew and Luke, the two Evangelists who speak most of Joseph, tell us very little, yet enough for us to appreciate what sort of father he was, and the mission entrusted to him by God’s providence.


25 Mar 2021

Places of worship

Clarification of announcement


Message:  March 24 – You may be aware that the South Australian Government has recently announced increases in capacity for Places of Worship. We are working to clarify specific information in relation to this announcement and further information will be provided shortly.

Message: March 25 – I have been in contact with SA Health and the COVID Information hotline regarding capacity requirements in Places of Worship. An indication has be given that specific detail around this will not be available until Monday, 29th March 2021. I thank you for your patience.

+ Archbishop Patrick O'Regan

17 Mar 2021

Euthanasia bill


Grace and peace, I hope that this note finds you well.  

The Upper House of State Parliament is currently debating a bill to legalise euthanasia.

It’s called the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill. Make no mistake, this bill is about State-sanctioned assisted suicide.

Proponents of the bill refer to it as ‘dying with dignity’ but there is no dignity in allowing or helping someone to kill themselves.

No-one wants to see people suffer unnecessarily at any time, especially at the end of life, but the compassionate way to achieve this is through high quality, well-resourced palliative care.

 20210317 001 L POR Euthanasia bill.pdf

10 Mar 2021

Celebrating the Holy Week in time of Pandemic


I would wish to communicate the following information to you.

As of the time of writing the State Government has not changed its existing restrictions for the protocols for Places of Worship. We are continually petitioning the Government to relax the current restrictions, so far to no avail.

1. Social distancing – For all of the Holy Week ceremonies the direction of 1 person per 2 square metres must still be observed.

2.  Live-streaming – It is to be hoped that as many Parishes as possible will live stream their Easter ceremonies so that those who are not able to be physically present can still participate to the best of their ability.

 20210310 002 L POR Holy Week 2021.pdf

05 Mar 2021

Comments on COVID Vaccines

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Pope Francis has reflected upon COVID-19 in his book, Let Us Dream – The Path to a Better Future (2020). In this short book, 160 pages, the Pope explores the spiritual and social dimensions of the crisis. He offers his reflection on how he hopes we may emerge from this time working with others for the betterment of the world. It’s a short read. I recommend it to you.

There has been discussion in the media about the application of the vaccines now arriving in Australia and which now are being distributed here in South Australia. On the 21st of December, 2020 the Holy See prepared a response which grappled with the very complex questions which had been posed from various pastoral, moral and ethical positions.

 20210305 004 L POR vaccines.pdf

29 Jan 2021

Abortion to Birth Bill


The ‘Abortion to Birth Bill’ will be debated in House of Assembly on Tuesday, 2nd February, 2021, with a vote expected that week. It is therefore urgent that parishioners contact their local MP and the Premier Steven Marshall by telephone, letter or email, expressing strong opposition to this Bill. 

Unlike the current legislation, this Bill allows for abortion up until birth. 

There is no protection for a viable baby who would otherwise be delivered alive, other than requiring the consent of two doctors. 

17 Jan 2021

Death of Archbishop Philip Wilson

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Archbishop Philip Wilson, who served as Bishop of Wollongong and Archbishop of Adelaide during 45 years of priestly ministry, has died in Adelaide this afternoon at the age of 70.

Born in the Hunter region of New South Wales, a young Philip Wilson attended St Joseph’s Hunter Hill before studying at St Columba’s College, Springwood, and St Patrick’s College, Manly. He was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle in 1975.

 MR-Death of Archbishop Wilson.pdf

21 Dec 2020

Wishing you a blessed Christmas

A message from Archbishop Patrick O'Regan

Archbishop O’Regan speaks about the “sudden chaos and uncertainty that COVID has brought into our lives” in his first Christmas message as Archbishop of Adelaide. Click below to read the full text.


09 Dec 2020

Update for places of worship, weddings and funerals

Restrictions update – from Monday December 14

COVID-19 update December 14.jpeg

On behalf of Archbishop O’Regan, I am writing to let you know that SA Police and SA Health provided further clarification for places of worship, weddings and funerals. These changes will take effect from Monday, 14th December 2020.

Information provided includes:
·       Places of worship have a density requirement of 1 person per 2 sqm.
·       Funerals are capped at 200 people and requiring 1 person per 2 sqm.
·       Weddings are capped at 200 people and requiring 1 person per 2 sqm. The digital contact tracing form is still required.
·       COVID Safe Check-in is still required.

 COVID-19 update December 14.pdf

07 Dec 2020

The joy of advent and God's faithfulness

The Southern Cross newspaper – December 2020


My dear sisters and brothers in Christ, one of the great joys of coming to Adelaide is the unexpected surprise of November.

In November, the Jacaranda trees are in full bloom and are striking. It was a great joy to drive or walk around and see them in full flower. It is almost as if, after a very dull and confined and difficult year, this outburst came unexpectedly, bringing life and hope and joy. I hadn’t really lived in a place where this was the case before, thus making the impact more manifest. This joy is even more so as it so wonderfully aligns with the coming of the Advent season.

30 Nov 2020

COVID-19 Restrictions and further updates

Changes from Tuesday December 1 2020

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On behalf of Archbishop O’Regan, I am writing to let you know that last night SA Police and SA Health provided further clarification for weddings and funerals. These changes will take effect from today Tuesday, 1 December 2020.

Information provided included:

  • Funerals are capped at 150 people and only requiring 1 person per 2 sqm.
  • Weddings are capped at 150 people and also only requiring 1 person per 2 sqm.




Message November 30 2020

On behalf of Archbishop O’Regan, you would be aware the South Australian Premier made several announcements on Friday November 27. These changes will take effect from Tuesday, 1 December 2020.
Information provided includes the following:

  • Churches will continue to be capped at 1 person per 4 sqm. The only exclusion to this is for outdoor services, which is 1 person per 2 sqm.
  • Funerals are capped at 150 people whilst maintaining 1 person per 4 sqm.
  • Weddings in churches cannot exceed the 150 whilst maintaining 1 person per 4 sqm. The digital contact tracing form is still required. https://forms.sa.gov.au/#/form/5fb1fb9fad9c5820881d8528/app/5fc414d64d43339d44a32a6c          
20 Nov 2020

Statewide lockdown will cease

from midnight Saturday November 21


As you would be aware the South Australian Premier Steven Marshall made an announcement late this morning. The state-wide lockdown will cease effective from midnight Saturday, 21st November 2020.

This means that churches may re-open following the guidelines outlined below:

  • Churches are capped at 100 people whilst maintaining 1 person per 4 square metres
18 Nov 2020

Six days of hard lockdown

Restrictions coming into effect midnight tonight

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I would like to advise some further important information in relation to the announcements made by the Premier Steven Marshall today.  

From midnight this evening Wednesday, November 18 2020 we are moving into six days of hard lockdown. The hard lockdown is to restrict movement in the community.

Whilst there was no specific mention of places of worship, as the direction is a six day lockdown, churches are to close effective from midnight this evening. Weddings and funerals are not permitted.

16 Nov 2020

New restrictions from midnight tonight


Dear sisters and brothers,

As you would be aware the South Australian Premier made several announcements this afternoon, some in relation to churches. These will be effective from midnight tonight.

A summary is provided below:

  • Churches are capped at 100 people whilst maintaining 1 person per 4 sqm.
  • Funerals are capped at 50 people whilst maintaining 1 person per 4 sqm.
  • Weddings in churches cannot exceed the 100 people permitted in church as per the  above.

The Premier has indicated these restrictions are being put in place in the hope that they won’t be long lasting.

We ask for your continued cooperation in this matter.
In Domino,
+Patrick O’Regan DD
Archbishop of Adelaide

13 Nov 2020

Current Guidelines in relation to Places of Worship

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Grace and peace, I hope that this note finds you well.

While we had hoped and wished it was otherwise, present indications are that current guidelines in relation to Places of Worship will remain much the same as Christmas approaches. It is important to note that we are still operating under a Declared State of Emergency.

Density Requirements
The current requirements are that we must allow 1 person per 2 sq m.  An indication has been given by SA Health that it is unlikely this baseline requirement will change for some time.  Please ensure you are adhering to this ruling or contact Deb Nation and her team at Catholic Health Safety and Welfare on 08 8215 6850 for assistance on how best to configure your church.



 20201113 001 L POR current guidelines.pdf

12 Nov 2020

Ms Sarah McRae – new Director, Centacare Catholic Family Services

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Grace and peace, I hope this note finds you well.

I am pleased to  announce  the appointment of Ms Sarah McRae to the position of Director, Centacare Catholic Family Services. Sarah will commence in February 2021, following the retirement of Mr Dale West in January 2021 after 32 years of dedicated service to Centacare and the Archdiocese of Adelaide.

29 Oct 2020

Termination of Pregnancy Bill 2020

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Grace and peace I hope that this note finds you well.

I would like to take a little of your time to speak of a very important issue that you may not be fully aware of and which requires urgent action on the part of our Catholic community.  

A Bill entitled Termination of Pregnancy Bill 2020 is now before the SA Legislative Council, and it is the intention of the Deputy Premier that it be passed by both Houses of Parliament before the end of the year.   

 20201029 002 L POR .pdf

28 Oct 2020

Drawn into the Communion of Saints

The Southern Cross newspaper – November 2020

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Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, recently I have visited two museums with what might be called a religious theme, and an educational sub-theme. One, the Mary MacKillop Museum in Kensington, and, second, more recently, the Jesuit Retreat Centre’s historical display at Sevenhill. Both well worth a visit.

Having a small interest in photography, I find myself drawn to the photos in such places, and these figure prominently in both. Naturally, because these places have such historical dimensions, the photographs are historical gems recording the people of the time and some of the circumstances in which they lived. To our sensibilities the photos can appear a bit dour and austere. This has something to do with the age and photographic techniques used at the time.

01 Oct 2020

Seek the Lord each day

The Southern Cross newspaper – October 2020

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St Bernard of Clairvaux 1090-1153 once wrote ‘A saint is not someone who never sins, but one who sins less and less frequently and gets up more and more quickly’.

There is great wisdom and encouragement in this quote for each and every believer, and for the experience of being the Church, the Body of Christ as well.

I was thinking of this quote the other day in our Cathedral when we held the, somewhat late, Mystagogia Mass for those newly baptised and received-into-full-communion with the Church.

01 Oct 2020

Re: Next Steps on the Journey to Plenary Council

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Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Grace and peace I hope that this note finds you well.

I am writing to inform you of two important gatherings that are occurring over the next few months.


 20201001 004 L POR - Gatherings.pdf

08 Sep 2020

Information about funerals, weddings and COVID Marshals

Archbishop Patrick O'Regan pulpit.jpg

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Grace and peace, I hope this note finds you well.

I am writing to communicate and confirm the following information that has come into effect from 5th September 2020:

  1. Funerals and Weddings: are now permitted for up to 150 people with hygiene and social distancing regulations still being observed providing 2 square metres per person.
  2. COVID Marshals: Please refer to the attached SA Health Factsheet which outlines that COVID Marshals are not required for weddings and funerals unless there is eating and drinking under an approved COVID Management Plan.  Please refer to this Factsheet which clarifies when a COVID Marshal is required. This Factsheet can be found attached below.

 20200908 001 L POR.pdf

01 Sep 2020

To live life to the full

The Southern Cross newspaper – September 2020


In this month’s column, I’d like to refer to two documents.

Social Justice Statement

As time permits I have been attempting to visit as many Mass centres in the Archdiocese as possible. I’m told there are around 143 different places where Mass is celebrated so this will take some time.

During these visits I have found people to be most welcoming. Discussion often proceeds to people’s deeper concerns. One consistent concern is the effects of COVID on their own life and that of the parish to which they belong. For some this is expressed in the pressure they see that the virus is exerting on people’s mental health.

When a survey was conducted of our young people in preparation for the 2018 Synod on Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment, the number one issue of concern to them was mental health.

11 Aug 2020

Advice for Religious and Faith Communities

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Grace and peace, I hope this note finds you well.

Following our recent instruction of 31st July 2020 around Liturgical Music, we have now received further advice from SA Health. It relates to congregational singing. 

In the latest Fact Sheet (attached for your reference) it advises that “singing increases the distance that droplets from the mouth can travel and spread, so spacing of 1.5 metres apart is advised when signing” and suggests that:

•    Congregational singing be avoided.
•    Choirs are permitted, provided: Singers are able to be social distanced from each other and the rest of the congregation. Numbers are limited to a designated person or a very small group.

 20200811 009 L POR congregational singing.pdf

01 Aug 2020

Seeing the hand of God everywhere

The Southern Cross newspaper – August 2020

My dear sisters and brothers, it is just over two months now since I was installed as Archbishop and I am still in the process of learning about the Archdiocese. I hope that I shall always be doing so.

While opportunities to meet people have been more limited than I would have liked so far, I find it a great joy to do so. What I do appreciate most is to take Mary MacKillop’s advice and, at least try, ‘to see the hand of God in everything’. Listening to the varied, and sometimes heroic stories of people, is a cause to give thanks to God. It is one of the blessings of this role that you do see God’s hand at work daily.

Most of my time so far has been spent in metropolitan Adelaide. Among the various opportunities to start getting around the Archdiocese, I was able to take a three-day tour of the South East and to visit our parishes there. From an early age I had heard about Penola, and what great seeds of faith had been planted there by Mary MacKillop and Fr Julian Tenison Woods, yet I’d not ever been there. Once again God’s choices baffle even as they cause us to wonder. Why Penola and not Adelaide? Why Bethlehem and not Jerusalem? To which we say, why not?

24 Jul 2020

Capped numbers for Weddings and Funerals

Message from Archbishop Patrick O'Regan

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Dear sisters and brothers,

Grace and peace, I hope this note finds you well.

As you would be aware the Premier announced on Friday, 24th July 2020 further information regarding the numbers permitted to gather for funerals and weddings.

As of 12.01am, Wednesday, 29th July 2020 the numbers are capped up to 100 people maximum for individual funerals and weddings provided your Mass Centre has the necessary capacity as per your COVID Safe Plan.

01 Jul 2020

The light bearer

The Southern Cross – July 2020


My dear sisters and brothers in Christ, at the beginning of his Profession of faith, known as his Confession, St Patrick writes ‘I am Patrick, a sinner, most unlearned, the least of all the faithful, and utterly despised by many’. I have known all but the last one to be true.

Every disciple of Jesus Christ loves to be able to gather in a Sacred Space, especially in a church; it is important for us. Somehow it puts God at the centre of our lives. One of the most surreal and difficult things about coming to Adelaide at this particular time is that when I arrived all the churches were closed. For the first time in 100 years we couldn’t do what we normally do; come together to celebrate the Eucharist, especially on the Lord’s Day. As things look at the moment, it may be some time before we can do things the way we would wish.

16 Jun 2020

New regulations - re COVID-19

Message from Archbishop Patrick O'Regan

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Dear sisters and brothers,

Grace and peace, I hope that this note finds you well.

As you would be aware the Premier announced on Friday, 12th June 2020 the further relaxation of restrictions regarding the numbers permitted to gather in places of worship.

The new regulations that immediately pertain to us include:-

  • From this Friday 19th June 2020, increase of numbers for places of worship up to 75 people whilst maintaining the 4 sqm rule. Please note generally a church is considered one space, so the maximum number per space is 75 people, unless there is a separate room with a floor to ceiling wall. This number also applies to funerals and weddings.
  • From Monday 29th June 2020, maximum density requirements (i.e. 1 person per 4sqm) will apply for our churches. Correct spatial measurement of your church will assist you in determining the maximum number of people you will be allowed in your space.

 20200612 001 L POR - new regulations.pdf
 Guidelines Celebration Eucharist Distribution Holy Communion.pdf

08 Apr 2020

Easter 2020 message

Bishop of the Diocese of Sale Patrick O’Regan sent his Easter greetings to the people of Adelaide on April 8 2020.
He was installed as the ninth Archbishop of Adelaide on May 25 2020 in St Francis Xavier's Cathedral.