03 Feb 2022

30th World Day of the Sick - February 11 2022


Dear sisters and brothers

The Message of Pope Francis for World Day of the Sick 2022 is attached in PDF format. The publication of the Message was reported on the Dicastery website on 4th  January 2021. It can also be accessed online at: https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/sick/documents/20211210_30-giornata-malato.html

The Dicastery website includes further information at: https://www.humandevelopment.va/en/eventi/2022/world-day-of-the-sick-2022-30th-anniversary-celebrations-in-rome.html

Archbishop Patrick O'Regan



Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes - Holy Eucharist and Anointing of the Sick in St Francis Xavier's Cathedral on Friday February 11 at 10am. For more information particularly regarding the needs of those who are ill and require special arrangements please contact Archdiocesan Events - P: 8210 8220 or E: events@adelaide.catholic.org.au
NB there is no on-site parking.



 World Day of the Sick - Message of Pope Francis - 2022.pdf

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