18 Jul 2022

Blessing of Significant Wedding Anniversaries


Grace and peace, I hope that this note finds you well.
After a very successful and positive response in 2021, it has been decided that the celebration for Wedding Anniversaries in the Archdiocese will continue to be held in local communities to recognise couples in their life-long commitment.
On Sunday, 18th September 2022 (25th Sunday in Ordinary time) I encourage all Parishes and Communities to celebrate the Blessing of Significant Wedding Anniversaries. If Parishes/Communities are unable to celebrate on this date, I encourage you to celebrate around the date.
The Archdiocese will provide digital resources to all Parishes and Communities with the following:
1. A blessing for Marriages to include in Mass
2. Universal Prayers to include the Mass
To assist with the preparation of significant Wedding Anniversaries, could you please advertise in your bulletin to inform parishioners and couples who are celebrating a significant Anniversary. Suggested wording for this is provided below and will also be sent to Pastoral Associates and included in the weekly E-News.
If you or someone you know is celebrating a significant anniversary this year, we invite you to let the Parish Office know of their details so they can be acknowledged at the Anniversaries Mass on Sunda,y 18th September 2022 to be held in our Parish at the (insert time) Mass.
In addition to the resources, the Archdiocese will send a form to nominate married couples who are celebrating significant Anniversaries to be returned to my Office, and a Certificate will be prepared and then returned to the Parish for presenting to the couple to mark their Anniversary.

 20220718 001 L POR Blessing of Significant Wedding Anniversaries.pdf

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