05 Apr 2023

2023 Easter message

The transforming power of faith

One of the great Easter Gospels is that of the journey to Emmaus. It begins with disappointment. Two of the disciples were going away from the place of defeat, Jerusalem, to a small village called Emmaus; maybe they had relatives there, maybe it was somewhere to go when one felt disappointed.

And then the unexpected happens - Jesus actually walks with them and joins them in their disappointment. Technically it’s the wrong way, but he keeps on going, with them. He journeys with them, he accompanies them, even though it would appear it is the wrong way.

Slowly a relationship of trust begins. There are new learnings, and all the bits and pieces of the jigsaw come together to reveal what was in front of their eyes all along.

In walking with them in their sadness and disappointment, they learn to begin again and when he says ‘I need to go’ they press him to stay with them. Their lives saw the possibility of something different; something hopeful for them.

He stays for a while and is with them in a new way and empowers them to go back to the place of disappointment and see things differently, with hope and with life.

They are empowered by this encounter with Jesus and this enables them to be agents of change for others. They have a new insight; they have a taste of what things might be.

Only one of the disciples is named, Cleopas, the other is not. Might that suggest that each of us might be that other disciple, called to allow our hearts to burn with us.

Jesus helps the two disciples to find the compass that literally turns their life around. We don’t know what ever happened to these two disciples, except that they wanted to share it immediately with others. They might not have had social media to get the message out but get the message out they did.

At Easter we celebrate the new life of God, who does not leave us in the place of disappointment but leads us back to life. It is about the fact that we walk the journey of life and formation, not alone, but accompanied by others. The power of faith is that it transforms.

A blessed Easter to you all.

God is good, good indeed.


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