04 Jul 2023

Vision and Mission Statements

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Grace and peace, I hope that this note finds you well. 

The Archdiocese is a community of Communities. While each Parish, School and Community has its own identity, structure, and leadership, we are united in the love of Christ as the Church, and filled with the God’s Holy Spirit for mission. Our diversity is always a gift to be cherished and celebrated but it is also good to be reminded of what we share in common. Together, we are the Body of Christ, and each of us members of that Body, called to serve.

So it is with great joy and hope that we present to you the Vision and Mission Statements of the Archdiocese of Adelaide.

Vision Statement

The Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide strives to be
a welcoming, Christ-centred community of believers serving others.
As missionary disciples, we are committed to building up the Body of Christ
by listening, discerning and growing in the Spirit, journey.


Mission Statement

As followers of Jesus Christ, loved by God, nurtured and formed in community we are called to be:

  • Sharers of faith, hope and love
  • Builders of bridges
  • Healers of broken relationships
  • Agents of transformation in our world.

The Vision and Mission Statements were developed by the Diocesan Pastoral Council out of the recommendations of the 2021 Diocesan Assembly. This process included processes of consultation and feedback with various people and groups in the Archdiocese and the Statements  reflect our shared desire to be a Christ-centred, Spirit-led, mission-oriented community, accompanying one another, together on the way. 

As the Archbishop, Chair of the Diocesan Pastoral Council and Chair of the Bishop’s Council of Priests of the Archdiocese of Adelaide, we intend these statements to guide the work and ministry of the Archdiocese including the various councils, commissions, offices and staff. 

It is our hope that every Parish, Community, School, and Catholic agency will take up these statements and apply them to their own contexts. Resources will be provided in stages over the coming months to assist with the promotion of the Vision and Mission Statements, as well as to discern their meaning for local realities and situations. 

In Domino,
+ Patrick O'Regan, Archbishop of Adelaide
Monica Conway, Diocesan Pastoral Council
Fr Mark Sexton, Bishop's Council of Priests

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