24 Nov 2023

Vocations Prayer Vigil

St Francis Xavier's Cathedral

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The Synod in Rome confirms the vision of Vatican II that all the baptized are called by God and have a unique vocation and role to play in the mission of the Church. It's always in the context of the vocation of every baptized Christian that we acknowledge and pray for the vocations of the Priesthood, Diaconate and the Consecrated Life of Sisters and Brothers. 
A vocation is uniquely personal, but always in the context of the faith community. As young people search and discern their purpose and call in life, they need the reassurance and confidence that many others in the community value a religious calling and are praying for them and supporting them. These days especially it's too hard to follow on one's own. Participating in the Vocations Vigil is one positive way to express our confidence in the grace of our own calling and our prayers for all our young people. 
Once again, this year we are holding a "Vocations Prayer Vigil" at the Cathedral on Friday, 24 November, 2023. It will commence at 5.15pm with the Evening Prayer of the Church and then Mass at the usual time of 5.45pm followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament to conclude with Benediction at 8.15pm. Supper in the hall will follow and conclude the night. 
I invite you to come and join in this time of prayer and I encourage you to promote the vigil in your parishes and communities. Please see the attached flyer and print copies out for your churches and community notice boards. 

 Vocations Prayer Vigil 089 20231102.pdf
 Vocations Prayer Vigil - 24 November 2023.pdf

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