14 Mar 2025

RE: Clergy Moves, Easter 2025


Grace and peace I hope that this note finds you well.

I wish to inform you of some Clergy moves within the Archdiocese which will take effect on Thursday, 24th April, 2025, in time for The Second Sunday of Easter, Sunday, 27th April, 2025.

Each set of moves involves many moving parts, and I once again thank the College of Consultors and the generosity of those involved in making the call possible to balancing the needs of the Archdiocese, our Parishes and each Priest or Deacon.

Fathers Shibu Jacob MSFS and Fr Manu Kumbidiyamackal Varkey MSFS shall be returning home to India during the Easter season, so shortly thereafter. Their Provincial has recalled them home as they have completed their allotted time with us. We give profound thanks both to the MSFS Order and for Fathers Shibu and Manu’s time among us and we shall look for an appropriate occasion to formally farewell and thank them.

1.         Monsignor Minh-Tam Nguyen from Chaplain to Vietnamese Catholic Community, Our Lady of the Boat People, Pooraka to Parish Priest of Croydon Parish.

2.         Fr Mark Sexton from Parish Priest of North Light Parish to Parish Priest of Henley Beach Parish.

3.         Fr Anthoni Adimai SdM, in addition to Parish Priest of Newton, Parish Priest of Tranmere Parish.

4.         Fr Charles Lukati from Parish Priest of Croydon Park Parish to Parish Priest of Salisbury Parish.

5.         Fr Roy Elavumkal SMM from Parish Priest of Tranmere to Parish Priest of Northern Light Parish.

6.         Fr Josy Sebastian MSFS from Parish Priest of Noarlunga-Seaford and Willunga Parishes to Parish Priest of Lefevre Catholic Community Parish.

7.         Fr Prathap Katta SdM from Assistant Priest of Brighton and Hallett Cove Parishes to Assistant Priest of Mount Gambier, Millicent and Penola Parishes.

8.         Fr Saminathan Arockiasamy SdM from Assistant Priest of Croydon Park Parish to Assistant Priest of Salisbury Parish.

9.         Fr Dominick Okwadha from Assistant Priest to Administrator of Noarlunga Seaford and Willunga Parishes.

10.       Fr George Oluoch from Assistant Priest in the Cathedral Parish to Administrator of Murray Bridge, Murray Mallee and Mallee Border Parishes.

11.       Fr Kien Nguyen CP from Assistant Chaplain to Chaplain to Vietnamese Catholic Community, Our Lady of the Boat People, Pooraka.

12.       Fr Olek Stirrat from Assistant Priest of Mount Gambier, Millicent and Penola Parishes to Assistant Priest of Croydon Park Parish.

13.       Fr Joash Okeyo CP from Priest in the Cathedral Parish to Assistant Priest of Brighton and Hallett Cove Parishes.

14.       Fr Julius Nyandiga CP from Priest in the Cathedral Parish to Assistant Priest of Noarlunga Seaford and Willunga Parishes.

15.       Fr Matthew Newman as well as being Assistant Priest in the Cathedral Parish will also be Assistant Administrator of the Cathedral Parish and Diocesan Master of Ceremonies.

16.       Deacon Arturo Jimenea continues as Deacon of Murray Bridge, Murray Mallee and Mallee Border Parishes.

17.       Deacon Andrew Kirkbride continues as Pastoral Director at Greenacres Walkerville Parish.

18.       Deacon Tim Grauel resumes to full duties within the Archdiocese.

In addition to these extensive set of moves, we are also awaiting the granting of Visas for another five Clergy, which, God willing, will be not too long in the coming. We are delighted to be shortly welcoming, before the end of March and early April, three new Priests from overseas whose Visas have been granted.

1.         Fr Francis Showri Bulipe SMM, Society of Montfort Missionaries, India

2.         Fr Rajashekhar Gundiga CSC, Congregation of Holy Cross, India

3.         Fr Shekarbabu Karem from the Diocese of Vijayawada, India

With renewed thanks,
In Domino,
Archbishop Patrick O'Regan

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