16 Jun 2020
New regulations - re COVID-19
Message from Archbishop Patrick O'Regan

Dear sisters and brothers,
Grace and peace, I hope that this note finds you well.
As you would be aware the Premier announced on Friday, 12th June 2020 the further relaxation of restrictions regarding the numbers permitted to gather in places of worship.
The new regulations that immediately pertain to us include:-
- From this Friday 19th June 2020, increase of numbers for places of worship up to 75 people whilst maintaining the 4 sqm rule. Please note generally a church is considered one space, so the maximum number per space is 75 people, unless there is a separate room with a floor to ceiling wall. This number also applies to funerals and weddings.
- From Monday 29th June 2020, maximum density requirements (i.e. 1 person per 4sqm) will apply for our churches. Correct spatial measurement of your church will assist you in determining the maximum number of people you will be allowed in your space.
Please ensure you are following the Archdiocesan Guidelines for Mass with Holy Communion as distributed on 22/5/2020. These can be found on our website: htt:ps://adelaide.catholic.org.au/newsand-events, coronavirus-updates-and-alerts.
These guidelines remain in place until further notice along with the continued dispensation from the obligation of Sunday mass.
As an Archdiocese it is important that we comply with Government regulations and our collective concern for public health, hence preventing the further spread of the virus.
Some further helpful hints follow:
Communion in the home
Communion in the home is permitted, provided the same guidelines are followed. It is also suggested that those giving communion in the home be aware of their own movements if they are visiting people's homes. Please be conscious that you are potentially providing communion to those who are vulnerable.
Social distancing requirements for families
Members of the same family /household are permitted to sit together.
Church measurements
Please do not include in your measurements any parts of the church that are not generally accessible by the public i.e. sacristy, sanctuary. Please also ensure you have completed your COVID Safe Plan htq s://www.covid-19.sa.􀀞ov.au/recoven / create-a-covid-safe-plan.
Other meetings
Provided you are keeping within the requirements of the number above, groups within the parish may commence meeting again. It may be worth considering for meetings such as the PPC to offer the option of both in person and on online.
Food and Drink
Please note that food and drink ( e.g. cup of tea after mass) can resume provided that no shared utensils are being used. Please have people serve themselves. It is also important to be conscious that time restraints should apply.
Rest assured that we continue to work with other Leaders of Christian Churches in working with the State Government around the particular requirements of places of worship.
Please feel free to contact Sarah Moffatt on 0439 218 859 if you require any further information.
In Domino
+Patrick O'Regan
Archbishop of Adelaide
20200612 001 L POR - new regulations.pdf
Guidelines Celebration Eucharist Distribution Holy Communion.pdf