24 Jul 2020
Capped numbers for Weddings and Funerals
Message from Archbishop Patrick O'Regan

Dear sisters and brothers,
Grace and peace, I hope this note finds you well.
As you would be aware the Premier announced on Friday, 24th July 2020 further information regarding the numbers permitted to gather for funerals and weddings.
As of 12.01am, Wednesday, 29th July 2020 the numbers are capped up to 100 people maximum for individual funerals and weddings provided your Mass Centre has the necessary capacity as per your COVID Safe Plan.
The Premier, Mr Steven Marshall, is concerned about the cases interstate and the possible further seeding of clusters, and the effects this may have on community transmission.
As an Archdiocese it is important that we comply with Government regulations and our collective concern for public health, hence preventing the further spread of the virus.
Please feel free to contact Sarah Moffatt on 0439 218 859 if you require any further information or you can visit the https://www.sa.gov.au/ for information on SA Roadmap for Easing COVID-19 Restrictions.
In Domino
+Patrick O'Regan
Archbishop of Adelaide