11 Aug 2020
Advice for Religious and Faith Communities

Dear sisters and brothers
Grace and peace, I hope this note finds you well.
Following our recent instruction of 31st July 2020 around Liturgical Music, we have now received further advice from SA Health. It relates to congregational singing.
In the latest Fact Sheet (attached for your reference) it advises that “singing increases the distance that droplets from the mouth can travel and spread, so spacing of 1.5 metres apart is advised when signing” and suggests that:
• Congregational singing be avoided.
• Choirs are permitted, provided: Singers are able to be social distanced from each other and the rest of the congregation. Numbers are limited to a designated person or a very small group.
Please be assured of our ongoing monitoring of COVID-19 regulations in SA, particularly in light of the situation in Victoria, and NSW.
If you would to talk through your particular situation you are encouraged to speak with Sarah Moffatt, smoffatt@adelaide.catholic.org.au or 0439 218 859.
In Domino
Patrick O'Regan
Archbishop of Adelaide
20200811 009 L POR congregational singing.pdf