08 Sep 2020

Information about funerals, weddings and COVID Marshals

Archbishop Patrick O'Regan pulpit.jpg

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Grace and peace, I hope this note finds you well.

I am writing to communicate and confirm the following information that has come into effect from 5th September 2020:

  1. Funerals and Weddings: are now permitted for up to 150 people with hygiene and social distancing regulations still being observed providing 2 square metres per person.
  2. COVID Marshals: Please refer to the attached SA Health Factsheet which outlines that COVID Marshals are not required for weddings and funerals unless there is eating and drinking under an approved COVID Management Plan.  Please refer to this Factsheet which clarifies when a COVID Marshal is required. This Factsheet can be found attached below.

“Do places of worship need to have a COVID Marshal at all times, or only during services and ceremonies?

You must have a COVID Marshal during religious services, ceremonies and events, but not outside of these occasions (i.e. a church does not need to have a COVID Marshal on duty during operating hours if there is no service occurring – they only need one during a ceremony, service etc). A COVID Marshal is not required for weddings and funerals, unless the wedding or funeral has an approved COVID Management Plan (to allow drinking and dancing at a licensed premises).

A COVID Marshal is required for any event or activity where there is onsite purchase and consumption of food and beverages. If you have less than 200 attendees at your religious ceremony, a person in charge or assisting with the service or ceremony can simply also perform the role of COVID Marshal at the same time. If your ceremony or service involves more than 200 attendees, you need to have a dedicated COVID Marshal. This can be someone who usually assists with the service, however, as a dedicated COVID Marshal, they must only perform the role of COVID Marshal, and no other duties.”

As an Archdiocese it is important that we comply with Government regulations and our collective concern for public health, hence preventing the further spread of the virus. Thank you for your continued co-operation.

Please feel free to contact Sarah Moffatt on 0439 218 859 if you require any further information.

In Domino,
+Patrick O'Regan
Archbishop of Adelaide

 20200908 001 L POR.pdf

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