29 Jan 2021

Abortion to Birth Bill


Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

Grace and peace I hope that this note finds you well.

The ‘Abortion to Birth Bill’ will be debated in House of Assembly on Tuesday, 2nd February, 2021, with a vote expected that week. It is therefore urgent that parishioners contact their local MP and the Premier Steven Marshall by telephone, letter or email, expressing strong opposition to this Bill.

Unlike the current legislation, this Bill allows for abortion up until birth.

There is no protection for a viable baby who would otherwise be delivered alive, other than requiring the consent of two doctors.

At a time when babies delivered from around 22 weeks have a very high chance of survival and enormous resources are rightfully put into their care, it is hard to fathom how anyone could justify late-term abortions.

To legislate for abortions up until birth shows a total disregard for the rights, and future, of the unborn child. It sends a disturbing message to the community about the value of some lives over others

 The Bill also allows abortions up to 22 weeks to be carried out with the consent of only one medical practitioner, including via tele-medicine in regional areas. There are concerns this will make vulnerable women more susceptible to social and economic coercion and compromise women’s health.

Another area of concern is the absence of any penalty for gender-based abortions.

Once again. I encourage the faithful in our Archdiocese to remind politicians of their obligation to protect the rights of all its citizens, including the unborn.

Yours sincerely
+Patrick O'Regan
Archbishop of Adelaide

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