08 Jun 2021
Diocesan Assembly
Dear sisters and brothers,
Re: Diocesan Assembly
Grace and peace, I hope this note finds your well.
I am writing to provide you with some important information regarding the forthcoming Diocesan Assembly. This information will assist you with the task of animating your community for engagement with the consultation process for the 2021 Diocesan Assembly.
Dates for Diocesan Assembly:
1. The Diocesan Assembly will be held on the evening of Friday, 17th September 2021 and all day Saturday, 18th September 2021. It will be held at Cabra Dominican College, 225 Cross Road, Cumberland Park. Overnight accommodation and hospitality will be provided for regional attendees.
2. A concluding session will be held on the evening of Thursday, 23rd September 2021 at a venue to be advised with an online facility available for regional attendees.
Consultation Process
To prepare for the Assembly, Parishes, Schools and Communities are asked to engage their communities in the pre-Assembly consultation process. Individuals and groups are invited to reflect on and respond to the consultation questions:
a) Think about the challenges and opportunities in your community.
b) How can we as church best fulfil our mission to be the People of God in this place?
c) What do you think are the most important things to discuss at the Diocesan Assembly?
Responses may be made online at www.adelaidediocesanassembly.org/respond or via a reply-paid postcard to be provided by the archdiocese.
The consultation period is now open and will close on Monday 16 August 2021.
Consultation launch week
3. On the weekend of Saturday, 26th June and Sunday, 27th June 2021. I am asking that each Parish play the Diocesan Assembly video at each Mass in place of the homily and allow Parish members time to respond to the consultation questions. The video, posters and the postcards along with further instructions will be provided in the coming weeks.
Diocesan Assembly Participant Nominations
4. Parishes, Schools, Communities, Agencies and Organisations will receive an invitation to nominate representative participants to the Diocesan Assembly. The invitation will include information specific to each Parish, School, Community or Group as to the number of nominees allotted as well as general criteria for selecting nominees and instructions for registration.
Diocesan Assembly Resources Coming Soon
a) Diocesan Assembly Prayer
b) Pre-Assembly Consultation Postcards and Posters
c) Diocesan Assembly Videos
d) Resources for community engagement in the pre-Assembly input process
Website and information
Detailed information as well as the consultation online response form are available at www.adelaidediocesanassembly.org. The resource page on the website includes
a) Text for Bulletin and Pulpit Announcement (Word)
b) Diocesan Assembly Prayer (PDF)
c) Pre-Assembly Consultation Postcards and Posters (PDF)
d) PowerPoint slides (4:6 and 16:9 JPEG)
e) Downloadable versions of the Diocesan Assembly videos (MP4)
f) Resources for community engagement in the pre-Assembly input process (MP4)
Diocesan Youth Assembly and Consultations
The Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults (COYYA) and Council for Ministry for Young People are organising a serious of Youth consultation sessions during June and July as well as a Diocesan Youth Assembly to be held on Saturday, 21st August 2021 at Nazareth Catholic College, Findon Campus, 176 Crittenden Road, Findon. The Youth consultations and Assembly will contribute to the overall Diocesan Assembly in September. More information about the Assembly can be found at www.cathyouthadelaide.org.au. COYYA will contact you directly with further information.
The Diocesan Assembly is an important event for the life of our faith community, your assistance in the preparation for the assembly is essential to its success. I will be in ongoing communication with you as more information and resources become available.
Please direct any immediate questions and inquiries to Sarah Moffatt by email at
smoffatt@adelaide.catholic.org.au or telephone 8210 8110.
In Domino
+Patrick O'Regan, Archbishop of Adelaide
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