29 Jun 2021
Re Update to COVID-19 and restrictions in South Australia
Dear sisters and brothers,
Re: Update to COVID 19 and Restrictions in South Australia
Grace and peace, I hope this note finds you well.
I wish to communicate the following information to you regarding changes announced which have taken effect from today, Tuesday, 29th June 2021 at 12.01am and it has been indicated that these changes will last for 7 days. After 7 days, or before, they will be reviewed.
1. Density and Capacity Requirements:
a) The density requirement has changed to 1 person per 2 sqm. You will receive a new COVID Safe Plan via email from the Government.
b) Weddings and funerals are capped at 150 people (provided density requirement is met).
2. Masks
As we are moving to a new density requirement, which allows more space per person, masks are not required.
3. Congregational Singing
The Premier also announced yesterday that singing is not permitted unless it is a “performance, an education establishment or a private lesson”. In these circumstances I am suggesting the return to very small choirs and no congregational singing. Members of choirs should be spaced more than 1.5 metres apart.
4. Gatherings (Tea and Coffee) after Mass
Provided that good hygiene and physical distancing is maintained, gatherings after Mass can continue. Please ensure:
a) There is no self-serve for tea/coffee and food.
b) Food should be individually wrapped.
c) A couple of volunteers should manage this process.
d) People are seated.
5. Guidelines and suggestions
The following are reminders:
a) Parishes must take reasonable steps to maintain 1.5m physical distancing
b) You must maintain good hygiene: hand sanitisation and regular cleaning of surfaces
c) Please discourage people from congregating at entry/exits and outside
d) QR code and/or collection of contact details is still required at all Masses and gatherings
e) You must have a COVID Safe Plan
6. Distribution of Holy Communion
This is a reminder that Communicants may only receive Communion via the hand and not directly onto the tongue until further notice is given.
Ongoing Support, Catholic Health Safety and Welfare
If you would like further assistance please contact Deb Nation and her team at Catholic Health Safety and Welfare on 08 8215 6850.
In Domino,
+Patrick O'Regan
Archbishop of Adelaide
20210629 005 L POR Update to COVID19 .pdf