Clergy and Religious - visitations and appointments

Protocols for Faculties, National Catholic Safeguarding Standards Declarations and ACMR (Australian Catholic Ministry Register) ID Numbers
The Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference (ACBC) and the Catholic Religious Australia are two of the peak representative bodies for Catholic – Clerical, Religious and Lay Persons in Australia.
With the support of these representative bodies, Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd (ACSL) has also been established as the Australian Catholic Churches national body to oversee and develop a national approach to policies and practices relating to the safeguarding of children and adults at risk. It has developed new framework and national standards for Catholic entities which have now been adopted by Church authorities, religious institutes, ministries and organisations across Australia.
All Priests and Deacons, engaged in ministry require habitual Faculties which are granted by the Archbishop or Bishop of the place in which they reside and/or exercise their appointed ministry. Whenever there is movement to minister in another diocese or parish, they require permission to do so in that new place from the appropriate authority.
For Religious Brothers and Sisters, Seminarians and Novices whenever there is movement to engage in spiritual or religious activities in another diocese or parish, they also require permission to do so in that new place from the appropriate authority.
Such permission can only be granted when a Church Authorities has testified to the individuals’ good standing and the Working with Children Check (WWCC) has been verified by the appropriate department of the receiving diocese.
It is expected that all Priests, Deacons, Religious Brothers and Sisters, Seminarians and Novices coming into the Adelaide Archdiocese for any period of time, make themselves familiar with the principles and guidelines of the Integrity in Ministry, National Catholic Safeguarding Standards and also the Best Practice Guidelines for Interacting with Children and Young People.
In accordance with the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 a minister of religion is mandated to report belief or suspicion on reasonable grounds that a child has been or is being harmed or neglected. Types of harm that are legally required to be reported include physical, sexual, emotional/psychological and neglect. The report must be made to the Department of Child Protection by phoning the Child Abuse Report Line on 13 14 78.
Further, to fulfil legislative requirements, the Archdiocese has established policies and procedures within a Safe Environments for All framework for safeguarding. Compliance with all policies and procedures are mandatory to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children, young people and adults at risk.
Integrity in Ministry Booklet 2010.pdf
National Catholic Safeguarding Standards.pdf
Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide Best Practice Guidelines.pdf
Prior to the planned visit
Specific documentation must be completed and submitted to our office in order for the necessary permissions to be obtained.
Please make a selection below, appropriate to your visit type, to obtain the required information and forms.