Visitations from interstate
For a visitation to the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide (including visits for the purpose of a holiday), the following requirements for incoming Clergy, Deacons, Religious Brothers and Sisters, Seminarians and Novices are as follows:
Option 1 - with ACMR ID #
- Completion of the ACMR Form (with ACMR ID # details)
- Interstate Working with Children Check (WWCC) and
- South Australian Working with Children Check (WWCC) (only if visitation period is more than 10 days)
The Australian Catholic Ministry Register (ACMR) is currently managed by Australian Catholic Standards Ltd (ACSL) with placement on the register providing assurance that the Clergy or Religious remains in good standing and meets all national requirements in accordance with the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards. (Standard 5.7.1) Once registered and provided with an ACMR ID Number, all Priests, Deacons, Religious Brothers and Sisters, Novices and Seminarians are able to use this ID Number in any diocese throughout Australia to confirm their good standing. When provided, the individual’s name and status is able to be verified via the secure online system.
For visitations less than 10 consecutive days, the Working with Children Check presented from another state or territory can be accepted, however if the visitation is for more than 10 consecutive days, the Working with Children Check presented from another state or territory is not able to be accepted on its own which is in accordance with South Australian law. In these instances, a South Australian Working with Children Check will also need to be obtained.
The South Australian Working with Children Check can be obtained via the following link:
Completion of the form below is required.
Option 2 (without ACMR ID #)
- Completion of the Interstate with Declarations Form
- Presentation of either a signed Safeguarding Statement Form OR Individual Safeguarding Declaration and Disclosure form (whichever is applicable)
- Interstate Working with Children Check (WWCC) and
- South Australian Working with Children Check (WWCC) (only if visitation period is more than 10 days)

In the absence of an ACMR ID #, the Priests, Deacons, Religious Brothers and Sisters, Seminarians and Novices are required to provide either a signed ‘Safeguarding Statement form’ or ‘Individual Safeguarding Declaration and Disclosure’ form in relation to professional standards.
For visitations less than 10 consecutive days, the Working with Children Check presented from another state or territory can be accepted, however if the visitation is for more than 10 consecutive days, the Working with Children Check presented from another state or territory is not able to be accepted on its own which is in accordance with South Australian law. In these instances, a South Australian Working with Children Check will also need to be obtained.
The South Australian Working with Children Check can be obtained via the following link:
Completion of the forms below is required.
Interstate With Declarations Smart form.pdf
Once the completed paperwork has been received:
The appropriate verification of documentation will take place and permission to minister in the Archdiocese will, if appropriate then be issued by the Archbishop’s Office.
In the case of Clerics (Persons under Holy Orders), a letter granting permissions to exercise clerical ministry will be prepared for the Archbishop’s approval.
- In the case of other Religious, a letter of welcome will be prepared for the Archbishop’s approval
- For any stays the Clergy, Deacons, Religious Brothers and Sisters, Seminarians and Novices will be issued with a ‘Mandatory Notification – In a Nutshell’ document.
- For any stays exceeding 30 days, the Clergy, Deacons, Religious Brothers and Sisters, Seminarians and Novices may be required to attend a full day of training on safe environments
- For any stays exceeding 30 days, the Clergy, Deacons, Religious Brothers and Sisters, Seminarians and Novices will be required to attend a briefing with the Professional Standards Office.
The Parish Priest within the Adelaide Archdiocese will be notified that this permission has been granted.
At the conclusion of the approved visitation period, a representative from the Archbishop’s Office will follow-up to confirm that the visitation has concluded. In the event that an extention to the approved period becomes necessary, a ‘Variation to Length of Stay’ document is required to be completed and submitted. The request for the extended approval for an additional period will be reassessed at that time.