Visitations from Overseas
For a visitation to the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide, (including visits for the purpose of a holiday) requirements for incoming Priests, Deacons, Religious Brothers and Sisters, Seminarians and Novices are as follows:
Mandatory requirements:
- Completion of the Overseas with Declarations Form
- Presentation of either a signed Safeguarding Statement Form Or Individual Safeguarding Declaration and Disclosure Form (whichever is applicable)
- If the visitation period is 7 days or less
- An Itinerary for the planned visit
- If visitation period is more than 7 days
- A Police Check from your country of origin
- South Australian Working with Children Check (WWCC)

The Priests, Deacons, Religious Brothers and Sisters, Seminarians and Novices are required to provide either a signed ‘Safeguarding Statement form’ or ‘Individual Safeguarding Declaration and Disclosure’ form in relation to professional standards.
For visitations from overseas of more than 7 days, it is a legal requirement that a South Australian Working with Children Check is obtained.
The South Australian Working with Children Check can be obtained via the following link;
OR alternately for additional assistance, please contact the Screening and Verification Authority via
Completion of the forms below are required.
Overseas With Declaration_Smart Form_030323.pdf
Once the completed paperwork has been received:
The appropriate verification of documentation will take place and permission to minister in the Archdiocese will, if appropriate then be issued by the Archbishop’s Office.
- In the case of Clerics (Persons under Holy Orders), a letter granting permissions to exercise clerical ministry will be prepared for the Archbishop’s approval.
- In the case of other Religious, a letter of welcome will be prepared for the Archbishop’s approval
- For any stays the Priests, Deacons, Religious Brothers and Sisters, Seminarians and Novices will be issued with a ‘Mandatory Notification – In a Nutshell’ document.
- For any stays exceeding 30 days, the Priests, Deacons, Religious Brothers and Sisters, Seminarians and Novices may be required to attend a full day of training on safe environments
- For any stays exceeding 30 days, the Priests, Deacons, Religious Brothers and Sisters, Seminarians and Novices will be required to attend a briefing with the Professional Standards Office.
The Parish Priest within the Adelaide Archdiocese will be notified that this permission has been granted.
At the conclusion of the approved visitation period, a representative from the Archbishop’s office will follow-up to confirm that the visitation has concluded. In the event that an extention to the approved period becomes necessary, a ‘Variation to Length of Stay’ document is required to be completed and submitted. The request for the extended approval for an additional period will be reassessed at that time.