Adelaide Diocesan Assembly

Diocesan Assemblies are an important aspect of the life of the Archdiocese of Adelaide. The Assemblies are a crucial way in which the voices of people from across the Archdiocese can be heard, proposals discerned, and decisions can be made together.
To learn more about the Adelaide Diocesan Assemblies, to explore the outcomes and resources, visit
What is a Diocesan Assembly?
A diocesan assembly is a gathering of representatives from the various communities within the Archdiocese of Adelaide to discuss the life of the local church and make recommendations for the work and mission of the Archdiocese. Diocesan Assemblies are an important aspect of being church. Assemblies invite a diversity of people to engage in listening, dialogue and discernment around particular matters of important to the life of the church. Following a Diocesan Assembly, Archdiocesan leadership discern the priorities and strategies to address the Assembly outcomes. Working groups may be formed, or tasks may be given to existing agencies, councils and commissions or pastoral services.
Sarah Moffatt – P: 8210 8110 or E:
Peter Bierer – P: 8210 8129 or E: