Adult safeguarding

Keeping our vulnerable adults safe

"Everyone has the right to live their life free from abuse and harm and have their human dignity respected. Many of the most vulnerable members of society are adults whose circumstances place them at greater risk of abuse, harm, and exploitation." - Adults at Risk Fact Sheet, Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd., 2022

The South Australian Adult Safeguarding Unit 

The South Australian Adult Safeguarding Unit was established in 2018 under the auspices of the Ageing and Adult Safeguarding Act 1995. Its focus is to safeguard the rights of adults who may be vulnerable to abuse. The unit has statutory responsibility and accountability for receiving and responding to reports about adults who may be vulnerable and experiencing abuse or neglect. In accordance with the Act, an adult may be vulnerable due to age, disability, ill health, social isolation, dependence on others, or other forms of disadvantage.

If you have concerns about abuse, harm, or exploitation of a vulnerable adult person, contact the South Australian Adult Safeguarding Unit

Ph: 1800 372 310 or Email:

For more information about adult safeguarding services, please visit the unit’s website at: Adult Safeguarding Unit | SA Health

The South Australian Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Vulnerable Adults

The South Australian Charter of Rights and Freedoms for Vulnerable Persons was developed by the South Australian Adult Safeguarding Unit. This charter, which is reflective of international human rights principles, outlines seven rights and freedoms that all vulnerable persons are entitled to enjoy. The charter, which does not create legally enforceable rights, serves as a guide to assist the Adult Safeguarding Unit to prevent, identify and respond effectively to concerns of abuse or neglect.  It is also a useful guide for any person in the community who has a vulnerable person in their family or social networks, who is providing care for a vulnerable person, or who has concerns relating to the care of a vulnerable person.  

You can find the South Australian Charter of Rights and Freedoms for Vulnerable Adults here: South Australian Charter of the Rights and Freedoms of Vulnerable Adults (PDF 50KB) 

You can find an easy-to-read version of the charter, prepared by Autism SA, here: South Australian Charter of the Rights and Freedoms of Vulnerable Adults (210 × 297mm) (

For additional information about support for vulnerable adults, please refer to the Australian Catholic Safeguarding Standards and its resources relating to adult safeguarding:National-Catholic-Safeguarding-Standards-Edition-2_FINAL_December2022.pdf (

If you have any queries relating to the safeguarding of adults at risk in the archdiocese, please contact the Safeguarding Operations Team: Ph 8210 8150 or E: 


FAQs currently under maintenance.