I am a contractor who holds a current DHS WWCC seeking to provide services at multiple catholic locations. How do I obtain a Catholic clearance?
A copy of your DHS WWCC will be required to be forwarded to Safeguarding Operations (incorporating SAVA). The clearance will then be checked and assessed to determine whether a Catholic Clearance is appropriate based on the actual content of the WWCC and the current status of the clearance issued by DHS.
Please forward a copy of your DHS WWCC to receptionsava@adelaide.catholic.org.au along with your following personal details:
- Current postal address
- Contact number
- Email address
- Date of birth (if not listed on the DHS WWCC)
- Role (Allied health, Maintenance, Temporary relief teaching etc)
Once the DHS WWCC has been checked, assessed and determined appropriate a Catholic Clearance letter will then be issued and posted out to the requested postal address.