2. Who is required to undergo a Working with Children Check (WWCC)?
In accordance with its Screening Policy – the Archdiocese requires checks for:
- All Clergy & Religious Persons
Individuals engaged to perform any ministry or hold a specific role of any kind with a Parish, School, Centacare Catholic Family Services or other affiliated Catholic Agency.
- All Employees
Individuals engaged for remuneration to perform a specific role of any kind with a Parish, School, Centacare Catholic Family Services or other affiliated Catholic Agency.
- Regular Recognised Volunteers
Individuals who have been assigned or given a regular role or responsibility within a Parish, School, Centacare Catholic Family Services or other affiliated Catholic Agency.
Please note that not every volunteer will be required to undergo a check, as it is dependent upon the following:
o the type of service provided
o frequency of attendance
o the level of supervision available at the location
- Regular Contractors
Individuals who have been engaged for remuneration to perform a specific role in a Parish, School, Centacare Catholic Family Services or other affiliated Catholic Agency.
Please note that not every contractor will be required to undergo a check, as it is dependent upon the following:
o the type of service provided
o frequency of attendance and
o the level of supervision available at the location
The Authorised Personnel at the location can advise whether a working with children check will be required.