Harmony Day 2022
Everybody Belongs

Harmony Day celebrates the gift of our diversity, our sense of belonging.
On Thursday 24th March 2022, the Multicultural Team with the help of the Events Department and Office for Worship hosted the 2022 Harmony Day Celebration for the Adelaide Archdiocese, with approximately 50 people attending.
This year, Harmony Day took a slightly different tone as we recognised the disharmony in the world today and the dire situation in Ukraine.
The morning was led by Sarah Moffatt, as we contemplated what is happening in Ukraine and surrounding countries and the effect war has on our world.
John Lochowiak, Manager for Aboringial Services for Centacare, presented a very moving welcome to country setting the tone of HARMONY.
We stood in solidarity; both, diocesan staff, Centacare staff and especially joined by Ukrainian Chaplains, Fr Zenjo Racki and Fr. Taras Gorpynyak. Staff members, Maria Papa and Imbi Mannick joined Father Zenjo; all sharing how the impact of war has affected the lives of their families, friends and loved ones and we stood in solidarity as we prayed the Prayer for Peace by Pope Francis.
The Ukrainian Cross, hand carved by a member of the Ukrainian community, was the centrepiece for our celebration. We watched a short animation film on Fratelli Tutti; the encyclical by Pope Francis, that highlighted the necessity to see each other as brothers and sisters; and Imbi told a story of how friendship trumped divided countries.
Father Zenjo poignantly reminded us; amongst all the evil and unrest in the world at present, God has NOT abandoned us.
Harmony day was celebrated in a more sombre way this year, but there was a definite sense of support and love as we acknowledged the importance of living in a world where everyone belongs.