The Feast of St Daniel Comboni 2022
with the African Catholic Community

The African Catholic Community celebrated the Feast of St Daniel Comboni at St Francis Xavier Cathedral on Sunday 9 October, 2022, at 2.30pm.
And what a joyful event it was!
The Kizito Choir uplifted the Cathedral congregation with such holy and joyful worship, led by very passionate choir masters, Simon Mpenda, Andrew Dunia and Archangelo Sangu.
The main celebrant, Archbishop Patrick O’Regan, clothed in his St Daniel Comboni chasuble, celebrated this special feast to honour the Italian Saint who was pivotal in tackling injustice and slavery in Sudan. Priests, Fr. Anthony Adimai, moderator of the Adelaide Cathedral, Fr Michael Musyoka Kyumu, Fr. Denis Ssemuju, Fr Mwaura Gicheha, Fr Dominic Okwadha along with Deacon Alfred Donat, concelebrated the Mass with great gladness.
Two young readers, Jolie Hazizimana and Evelyne Sangu proclaimed the readings with great poise; with Deacon Alfred very skilfully proclaiming the story of the 10 lepers from the Gospel of Luke.
Archbishop’s homily rightfully centred around ‘gratitude’; in Christ and in each other and we all gave thanks as four young people were baptised, and five young people were Confirmed in the light of Christ, receiving Holy Communion for the first time.
In keeping with the theme, Archbishop deeply thanked each person who helped to make this Mass such a special one by their presence. He praised the choir, who were in top form, and congratulated the baptised and their families. He gave thanks to the dedicated priests who serve this vibrant African Catholic Community and special thanks to Mr Clement Kuek who works tirelessly to ensure these special feast day events are enjoyed by all giving right praise to our Lord; and he also thanked the Events and Multicultural office of the Archdiocese for their support and assistance.
After Mass everyone was invited to a beautiful African meal in the Cathedral Hall, after socialising in the sunshine of this beautiful day.
Please view the photos of the celebration below for your enjoyment.