The Feast of St Daniel Comboni 2023
15th October, 2023

The African Choir along with the amazing liturgical dance group enriched the celebration in St Francis Xavier Cathedral on Sunday the 15th of October as we celebrated the Feast of St Daniel Comboni in the Archdiocese of Adelaide. One parishioner, so moved by the celebration shared …
“The Choir was magnificent and an inspiration to all who attended”
The main celebrant, Father Dean Marin, Vicar General, offered this special feast in honour of a Saint who was a leading force in tackling injustice and slavery in Sudan and South Sudan. Priests, Fr Michael Musyoka Kyumu, Fr. Denis Ssemuju, and Fr Dominic Okwadha along with Deacon Alfred Donat, concelebrated the Mass – not withstanding a beautiful thank you from the Vicar General. Father Dean not only gave thanks for the missionaries TO Africa (St Daniel Comboni) but took the opportunity to thank the missionaries FROM Africa - our African brothers in Christ ministering to us here in Adelaide.
Father Dean’s homily invited us to be “witnesses of the living faith” and “promote and pray for peace” as we attempt to imitate Christ in all that we do.
Four young people were baptised, and one young man was Confirmed, completing the sacraments of initiation by receiving Holy Communion for the first time.
We always give special thanks to Mr Clement Kuek who works with heart and passion to ensure these special feast day events are enjoyed by all! After Mass everyone was invited to enjoy a delicious feast as the congregation filled the Cathedral Hall and enjoyed the beautiful hospitality of the African Catholic Community.
Please view the photos of the celebration below for your enjoyment.