September 24 2.30pm in St Francis Xavier's Cathedral
All welcome to attend, look forward to seeing you there.
109th World Day of Migrants and Refugees
Free to choose whether to migrate or to stay

We've put together some ideas and suggestions on how you can celebrate World Migrants and Refugees Day in your parish and/or communities.
Reach out beyond your walls
Connect with a local Catholic Migrant Chaplaincy or Multicultural Community and celebrate Mass and or a meal together.
Download the Directory of Migrant Chaplaincies and Multicultural Communities (below) - for an index of multicultural communities listed by suburb.
Celebrate language

Incorporate the native languages of the members of your parish community in the celebration of Mass. This can be done at the Prayers of the Faithful, or invite people to pray the Lord's Prayer in their first language. It can be mess, but so was the first Pentecost!
Collect the Stories of Your Community

Ask individuals and families both recent arrivals and longtime residents, to share their stories.
- Stories could be collected in written form, as a poster, power point slides or as a video.
- choose a time and place when these stories could be shared (eg. reflection after communion at Mass; at a gathering after Mass; hang posters in the Church foyer or other appropriate spaces).
Break Bread Together
Host an international banquet and invite members of your community to bring a dish that represents their home country or culture.
Map it Out

Hang a world map on a corkboard in a visible spot and invite parishioners to place a pin in their home country and city. You could even connect a piece of string to the pin and on the other end of the string fix a photo or a Post-It note with their name.
Pray with Pope Francis
At Mass, pray together Pope Francis' prayer for Migrant and Refugee Sunday. This can be found at the end of his message for the 108th World Day of Prayer Document at the ACMRO website: acmro.org.au
Fratelli Tutti
Gather a group of interested people from the parish and neighbouring communities to study Pope Francis' encyclical FRATELLI TUTTI. Several group study guides are available online or here is one from Garratt Publishing
Share the Message

Make copies of Pope Francis' message for the 109th World Day of Migrants and Refugees available. Maybe set up a study group opportunity for people to come together to read the letter and discuss its meaning and impact for the parish community. See Resource at acmro.org.au
See the National Resources
Additional resources (including: Migrant & Refugee Kit, Pope's Message, Prayers of the Faithful for Migrant and Refugee Sunday); are available from the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference at https://www.acmro.catholic.org.au/
For assistance or more infromation, contact the Catholic Multicultural Office, Adelaide Archdiocese PH: 8210 8140 E: multiculturaloffice@adelaide.catholic.org.au