Diocesan Pastoral Council

The Diocesan Pastoral Council (DPC) is a major diocesan body made up of women and men, laity, religious and ordained, from various areas and aspects of the Archdiocese of Adelaide and has been a significant feature of the Archdiocese of Adelaide since the early post-Vatican II years. The DPC provides consultation to the Archbishop on pastoral matters of the Archdiocese while exercising synodal leadership in their own right.

The current Diocesan Pastoral Council (DPC) was formed at the beginning of 2023 following an interim Council in 2022. From the beginning, DPC members committed to synodality as the blueprint for the way they work with others and with each other.

The DPC put dialogue, prayer, reflection and communal discernment at the heart of its work together. The DPC priorities come from the recommendations from the 2021 and 2022 Diocesan Assemblies and the Plenary Council decrees. They are grouped under three banners:

  • Formation in faith for mission
  • Leadership that is authentic and co-responsible
  • Communication that is consistent, regular and two-way

The DPC has focussed on supporting the Archdiocese to be a synodal church by engaging projects and initiatives that animate the vision and mission of the Archdiocese such as pastoral planning, formation and integral ecology and by developing a Leadership for a Synodal Church Framework.

The DPC has developed a Communication, Learning and Listening plan and members are meeting with Parish Pastoral Councils to ensure that the DPC’s work is grounded in the reality of Parish life and that members model a Church that listens.

Diocesan Pastoral Council members demonstrate commitment and leadership as they continue to work together and with others on the Archdiocese of Adelaide synodal journey.


Chair: Monica Conway

Deputy Chair: Stephen Bampton

Contact the DPC:  DPCChair@adelaide.catholic.org.au


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