Diocesan Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission

The Diocesan Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission, mandated by Archbishop Philip Wilson, promotes the spirit of ecumenism and interfaith relations in the Archdiocese.
In all of its ecumenical and interfaith work it is imbued with the vision of Jesus ‘prayer': “May they all be one, just as Father you are in me and I am in you.’
It is guided in its work by Vatican II’s Decree on Ecumenism, the postconciliar Directory on Ecumenism and foundational statements in the encyclicals of Pope John Paul II : ‘It is absolutely clear that ecumenism, the movement towards Christian unity, is not just some sort of “appendix” which is added to the Church’s traditional activity. Rather ecumenism is an organic part of her life and work, and consequently must pervade all that she is and does.’ (That They May be One. #20)
The basic inspiration for the Commission’s work in interfaith relations is the Vatican II decree Nostra Aetate together with the documents of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue such as Journeying Together and recent statements of Pope Benedict XVI such as this: ‘Inter-religious and intercultural dialogues between Christians and Muslims cannot be reduced to an optional extra. It is, in fact, a vital necessity, on which in large measure our future depends.’
The first three of the Commission’s eleven Aims and Objectives indicate some of the scope of its work:
- To implement the directives of Vatican II, the Directory on Ecumenism and other postconciliar documents dealing with ecumenism and relations with other faiths.
- To promote a spirit of ecumenism and interfaith relations within the Catholic Church, with other Christian traditions and with other faiths as well as engaging in prayer and mutual action.
- To initiate ecumenical and interfaith activities in the archdiocese of Adelaide.
Building Bridges