Parish support

All families can seek support for their children’s education in faith, celebration of the sacraments of Christian initiation and faith formation through their local parish. You will find contact information for your parish by following the link below.
Click here to go to the parishes of the Archdiocese.
Nurturing your family's faith in the home

‘The family is the domestic church. In it parents should, by their word and example, be the first preachers of the faith to their children’ (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church)
If you would like to further ways to nurture your child's faith life, please contact this office – click here.

Nurturing My Life As A Parent – stillness, silence, stillness, journalling, family prayer and sharing and grounding.
Nurturing My Child's Prayer Life – spontaneous prayer, formal prayer, blessings, music, family prayer and creating an environment.
Download illustration pdf below.
Simple Prayers for Families to Pray Together

Creating a prayer focus in the home
Children learn from what they hear, see and smell but especially from the way they feel. If a child feels safe and loved in the home then the familiar objects of the home and the words spoken and prayed will stay with them as they grow and become the basis of their adult life.
Download Prayers for Families pdf below to read about creating a prayer focus along with setting up a sacred space, sharing a prayerful experience, prayer before meals and ideas on how to pray together.
Family Faith

Faith Family is a resource written by an ecumenical group of writers. It is designed to support families in their task of living their faith in their daily lives.
Please find samples of the publication "FAITH FAMILY: A Christian resource for families".
If you are interested in accessing this resource for your family (see samples below) please contact this office for your free copy available by email. Click here.
Family faith - issue 14.pdf
Family faith - issue 15.pdf
Family faith - issue 18pdf.pdf
Useful websites
- An Australian website created by Jacinta Astachnowicz from Catholic Education SA (CESA) and Joanne Villis from St Aloysius College, Adelaide.
Apps are given and to be used under your discretion and fit-for-purpose to enhance the faith life of the child in mind.
- An American website created as part of the Jesuit ministry and further resources on this site eg saints stories for kids, prayer activity for kids, 10 top family movies, adaptive confirmation preparation kit for children with autism and special needs
- A website with a variety of activities
- A website with one or two minute videos –
on the Parables of the Lost Sheep (LK15:11-32), the Lost Son (Mt18:10-14), Good Samaritan (Lk10:25-30), the Sower (Lk 8:1-5).
On the website, there is also a book of Scripture puzzles for the family to do which can be downloaded as well as other 60 minute videos.Choose the appropriate ones.