Services supporting the Archdiocesan vision of
Family Centred Church and the New Directions

our services include:
- Training of Catechists
- Spiritual formation of catechists
- Teaching and learning strategies
- Catechesis
- Resources
- Consultancy
- Pastoral support
- Mentoring
- Fostering partnerships between family, parish and Catholic school
- Collaboration with associated ecumenical children’s ministries
- Family catechesis support for parents, parishes and schools
- Developing parish religious education programs for children in state schools
- Training in various children’s ministries
- Training leaders in Children’s Liturgy of the Word
– Download pdf below – Children's Liturgy of the Word - Godly Play presentations and workshops
Children's Liturgy of the Word

What is it?
It is an adaptation of the adult Liturgy of the Word suited to the age and stage of development of children.
What happens?
Children and leaders of the Word are called forward by the priest.
The leader is commissioned to receive the Good News and share it with the children entrusted to your care by the priest.
The children receive a blessing from the priest
The group forms a procession led by the LIGHT and the WORD, and proceeds to a nearby room.
The children gather around the prayer focus, are welcomed and make the Sign of the Cross.
The Gospel Acclamation is spoken or sung.
Download pdf below.