What is World Meeting of Families?


WMOF is the acronym for World Meeting of Families, founded by Pope John Paul II in 1994.

The United Nations declared the “International Year of the Family” in 1994 and as a response, Pope John Paul II incorporated this celebration of family within our Church by creating the first World Meeting of Families in Rome that October. It has since been held every three years in different places around the world. 

WMOF was first promoted by the Pontifical Council for the Family, which later merged with the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life. The event has always started and concluded with an international Theological-Pastoral Congress, in the presence of the Pope, along with a Vigil and Festival of Families and a great final Eucharistic celebration.


08 Jun 2022

Celebrating World Meeting of Families

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Download the pdf below for a handy list of resources, links and ideas or how to celebrate:

  • WMOF this June, and
  • World Day for Grandparents and the elderly which will be celebrated July 24.

 Family Resource WMOF 2022.pdf

Growing Faith

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Sunday June 26 - 10th World Meeting of Families – Gospel reflections, prayer resources for this day can be found in the pdf below.


Click here to access our weekly Sunday Gospel reflections and prayer resources that can be used at home by families and parishes for Children's Liturgy of the Word. For further info please email Sr Jenny Seal  or Amanda Razon.


 WMOF 13 Sunday OT (Year C).pdf

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As your child journeys through life and grows and develops in many ways, the booklet Growing Faith – Prayer (below) offers you some opportunities through which you can journey with your child as the first educators and nurturers of the faith.




 Growing Faith - Prayer (1).pdf

Celebrating World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Sunday July 24 2022

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As valued members of our families, Church and society, grandparents and elderly people hold a special place in our lives.  

Grandparents as nurturers of life
Grandparents can love and develop a close and strong bond with their grandchildren. 
Grandparents can provide the wisdom of the years with acceptance, patience, love, stability, and fun as they support their grandchildren and promote wellbeing.

Grandparents as holders-of-the-stories
Grandparents and Great-Grandparents are a connection to the families common history and heritage.
As a teller of stories, the grandparents can help the child find a place in their family with a deep sense of belonging.

Grandparents as faith transmitters
Grandparents can model by example and share the lived experience of faith.
They can journey with the child and explore the integration of life and faith experiences.




https://www.catholic.org.au/grandparents – from Australian bishops conference website


 Family Resource WMOF 2022.pdf