If you or a family member is admitted to a public hospital, please advise us so a chaplain can visit.
Chaplains are not always aware of the Catholic people within the hospital, so a phone call is a good way to ensure this area of a patient’s care is not overlooked. Chaplains also offer a listening ear and support to families, significant others as well as hospital staff.
Hospital Chaplains can be contacted via the Spiritual Care Office of the respective hospitals.
- Royal Adelaide Hospital:
- Ewa Pstras-Kolodziej | Grace Healey | Jen Sherlock – P: 7074 1126 / 0419 616 367
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital:
- Ewa Pstras-Kolodziej | Jen Sherlock - P: 7074 1126 / 0419 616 367
- Repatriation Hospital (CALHN patients only):
- P: 7074 1126 / 0419 616 367
- Repatriation Hospital (SALHN patients only):
- Stan Kolodziej | Fr Louis Saad – P: 8204 5511 / 0419 616 367
- Flinders Medical Centre:
- Deacon Tee Ping Koh | Stan Kolodziej | Fr Louis Saad - P: 8204 5511
- Lyell McEwin Hospital:
- Bong Dompor | Sr Lilly - P: 8182 9000
- Modbury Hospital:
- Bong Dompor | Sr Lilly - P: 8182 9000
- Hampstead Centre:
- Jen Sherlock - P: 7074 1126 / 0419 616 367
- Women's and Children's Hospital:
- Fr Peter Rozitis | Pauline Connell - P: 8161 7000

If a family member or friend is sentenced to jail or the Adelaide Remand Centre, please contact us so we can arrange for a prison chaplain to visit.
Ongoing visits are always at the request of the person.
Prison chaplains are available to visit people of faith, or none, as added support.
- Yatala and Mobilong Prisons, Adelaide Remand Centre:
- Mel Monfries
- E: pconnell@adelaide.catholic.org.au
- Adelaide Women's Prison:
- Pauline Connell - E: pconnell@adelaide.catholic.org.au
Interested in joining this ministry?
If you are interested in joining this ministry either as a volunteer or consideration of a paid chaplain position, please contact Annette to learn what is required.
- Annette Heinemann - Manager, Hospital and Prison Chaplains
E: aheinemann@adelaide.catholic.org.au | 0403 831 241