The Archdiocese of Adelaide is committed to ongoing support for our migrant chaplains and all members of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.
These pages contain some simple printable resources for use with groups in parish settings and communities. There is no copyright restriction on the use of these materials so please feel free to download and print the files contained here.
Your feedback on any of these resources will help us to develop the most practical and useful tools.
Please feel free to email your feedback to:
Directory - Migrant Chaplaincies and Multicultural Communities 2024

Directory 2024 is a useful handbook for the Multicultural Communities, a resource for parishes and Catholic Communities in the Archdiocese of Adelaide.
It contains all the information related to Multicultural Communities like Chaplains, contact persons, Mass times and all important activities and events of the communities.
Creating Welcoming Parish Communities

Western Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office (WACRMO) have released a new resource called-
‘Creating Welcoming Parish Communities”
This resource provides a framework to enable:-
- Catholic parishes and Communities to welcome newly arrived persons
- create opportunities for the host communities to grow together in the spirit of the Gospel.
It ties in beautifully with the Pope’s Message for the 109th World Day for Migrants and Refugee’s this year (2023)
“We are called to show respect for the dignity of each migrant. And recognise that whatever place we decide to build our future, whether it be our country of birth or elsewhere, the important thing is that there always be a community ready to welcome, protect, promote and integrate everyone, without distinctions and without excluding anyone”. (Pope Francis)
Please contact our office if you would like to discuss this further P 8210 8140 / 0439 810 250
Italian Festas 2025
Italian Festas 2025 is a list of all the Italian Festas celebrated throughout the year in different parishes across Adelaide.
It contains all the information related to these Festas including contact persons and Mass dates and times for the Italian community.
Please contact our office for more information: 8210 8140
or E: