Our Vision and Mission

- Sharers of faith, hope and love
- Builders of bridges
- Healers of broken relationships
- Agents of transformation in our world
CAoA-Vision & Mission-A3-Poster.pdf
CAoA-Vision & Mission-A4-Poster.pdf
CAoA-Vision & Mission-Cards.pdf
Drawn into the Joy of the Gospel
Workbook 2

V2-20240521-Drawn into the Joy of the Gospel-Workbook 2-PST.pdf
Drawn into the Joy of the Gospel:
Formation in the Archdiocese of Adelaide
Developed out of a response to the recommendations and decrees of the 2021 and 2022 Diocesan Assemblies and 5th Australian Plenary Council, Drawn into the Joy of the Gospel presents the foundational vision for formation in the Archdiocese of Adelaide. The statement address the local realities and needs regarding the formation of all of God’s People as well as the pastoral leadership in parishes, school, communities and agencies.
Drawn Into The Joy Of The Gospel (Digital).pdf
Drawn Into The Joy Of The Gospel (Print).pdf
20230929-Drawn Into The Joy Of The Gospel-Workbook 1-PST-FINAL.pdf
Workbook - Drawn into the Joy of the Gospel
Formation in the Adelaide Archdiocese
A guide for reflection and discussion.

20230929-Drawn Into The Joy Of The Gospel-Workbook 1-PST-FINAL.pdf
Being Church Together:
A Theology, Vision and Guiding Principles for the Parish-School Relationship
Being Church Together is the culmination of the collaborative work between the Archdiocese of Adelaide, Diocese of Port Pirie and Catholic Education South Australia to develop a framework for supporting positive relationships between the parish-worshiping community and the school community. Being Church Together draws upon the real-life experiences of parishes and schools across South Australia, while provide a vision, guiding principles and tools for generative dialogue.
Appreciative Visitation with Catholic Schools 2017-18
Prior to the development of Being Church Together, many healthy and vibrant parish-school relationships were noted during visits to Catholic Schools conducted by the Archdiocese of Adelaide in 2017 and 2018. An appreciative listening approach guided interactions with school boards, parents and friends, and staff meetings. This paper highlights practical and creative ways in which schools and parishes build, sustain and repair local relationships. (See Promising Examples of Parish_School Relations v10.pdf)
Being Church Together (Digital).pdf
Being Church Together (Print).pdf
Promising Examples of Parish_School Relationships.v10.pdf