01 Apr 2018
VG's Easter Message

Easter brings purpose to our lives: Vicar General
The materialism and instant gratification of today’s society has made the centuries old Easter message of love and hope more relevant than ever, says Adelaide Vicar General Father Philip Marshall.
Speaking on behalf of the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide, Fr Marshall said there was a deep yearning for meaning and purpose in people’s lives.
“I think one of the most serious issues facing us in Australia is that so many people no longer believe that their life has any meaning, or that they have any real purpose,” he said.
“So many young people consider, or do, some sort of harm to themselves; I think in the end it is because they can’t see any point to what they are doing and life feels too difficult to keep going.
“The message of Easter is the complete opposite to that. It says that every person matters absolutely because they are loved personally and infinitely by the God Jesus revealed.
“This is the heart of what Jesus taught, and every Easter we have the opportunity to reflect on his supreme act of love – his willingness to die on the Cross.”
“He showed that to love with a love that never gives up is the real purpose of a human life; that is what gives our life ultimate meaning, and in the end it shows us that love will win over every darkness, even death itself.”