20 Nov 2018
Living Catholic Nov. e-news

Living Catholic e-news | November 2018
World Day of the Poor
In his message for the second World Day of the Poor, celebrated this year on November 18, Pope Francis has called for a new evangelisation that prompts Catholics “to make tangible the Church’s response to the cry of the poor”.
In a letter to clergy throughout Australia, Bishops Commission for Pastoral Life chairman Bishop Terence Brady encouraged all Catholic communities to be involved and respond to the theme: “This poor man cried and the Lord heard him” (Psalm 34:7).
“The Holy Father notes that there are many different forms of poverty and he asks us to consider ‘Who are the poor?’” Bishop Brady said.
Pope Francis inaugurated the World Day of the Poor at the end of the Jubilee Year of Mercy in 2016 saying: “The World Day of the Poor wishes to be a small answer that the Church throughout the world gives to the poor of every kind and in every land, lest they think that their cry has gone unheard”.
Click here to access Pope Francis’ message for the World Day of the Poor and here for further resources.