07 Feb 2024
Opening of Parliamentary Year Service at St Francis Xavier's Cathedral

Media Alert – Wednesday February 7 2024
Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia, will join members of State Parliament at a service to mark the opening of the Parliamentary Year tomorrow morning at 8am.
A joint initiative of the Leaders of Christian Churches SA and the SA Parliamentary Christian Fellowship, the service is being hosted this year by Adelaide’s Catholic Archbishop Patrick O’Regan and will be held in St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral.
Archbishop O’Regan said the service was an opportunity to “gather in friendship and unity, prayerfully focusing on the Parliament, its tasks, and its governing councils, and all those who offer their service to the state of South Australia”.
“As community leaders, let us commit to work together in unity and partnership, collaborating and supporting each other to create a flourishing community, where hope and love guide our actions,” he said.
“Together, we can make a difference, through listening with intent, noticing the suffering of others, and radiating and implementing a compassionate response, motivated by the transforming power of God in our midst.”
Premier Peter Malinauskas and Opposition Leader David Speirs are expected to join more than 20 politicians at the service.
WHEN: 8am Thursday February 8 2024
WHERE: St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral, corner of Wakefield St and Victoria Square, Adelaide.
For more information, please contact Jenny Brinkworth on 0438 727 677.
MA -Opening of Parliament service 8.2.2024.pdf