Date of Birth: | 12/05/1938 |
Date of Death: | 05/05/2023 |
Date of Ordination: | 01/07/1961 |
Fr John Francis Chambers
Early Life John Chambers was born on May 12, 1938, the only son of Francis Chambers and Julia Fox. He grew up as an only child, though he was always insistent that he had a sister who lived for a few hours. Most of his early childhood was in the Kingswood parish and he attended Christian Brothers College until Year 7. In 1950, at the age of 12, he became a ‘schoolboy seminarian’ moving to St Francis Xavier Seminary at Rostrevor, where he completed his secondary education and began his preparation for the priesthood. He was ordained priest by Archbishop Matthew Beovich on July 1, 1961 in St Francis Xavier's Cathedral. Appointments On December 1 his first appointment was as Assistant Priest in the Edwardstown parish. A few months later he was appointed chaplain to the Catholic Deaf Association. This proved to be one of Fr Chambers’ proudest achievements. With the blessing and support of Archbishop Beovich, he became the first chaplain to the Deaf Community and worked energetically with Kevin and Anne Cresdee (deceased) to establish a ministry to the deaf and hearing impaired in the Archdiocese. From humble beginnings this ministry grew to be an inclusive and vital link for the deaf in the living of their faith, one which continues today with the support of Catholic Charities and it's chaplain Fr Kevin Taylor and pastoral associate Sr Majella O’Sullivan rsj. In May 1967 he was appointed to the Senate of Priests for a three-year term. Later that year he was also appointed Chaplain to the YCW boys and girls. Fr John took his role with the YCW quite seriously and this occupied a lot of his time, energy and dedication. Thus he is fondly remembered by many former YCW people. At the same time he was appointed Promoter of Vocations. Furthermore he was also appointed Chaplain to the Lay Apostolate Liaison Committee (LALC). Meanwhile he was to live at Dulwich and he assisted Mgr Redden in the Dulwich-Burnside parish. While continuing these chaplaincies, in April 1969 he moved to reside at Archbishop's House at West Terrace. In February 1972 he was reappointed to these chaplaincies, and in December 1972 he took up residence at the Archbishop's House at Robe Terrace. Parish Priest On November 30, 1974 a major change came when he was appointed Parish Priest of Glenelg. Fr Chambers lived through the years of the Second Vatican Council and witnessed many changes to the life and structure of the Archdiocese. He walked with the people entrusted to his care in a spirit of solidarity, friendship and generous service. His administrative and organisational skills were evident in the smooth running of the parish. He is remembered by many as being a gentle but ardent preacher of the Gospel. He worked with people rather than dominate or dictate to them. He was a great team builder, working consultatively, but very much with is finger on the pulse in all aspects of the parish. Fr John spent 11 years at Glenelg and during that time he took two terms of long service leave. He took the opportunity to travel overseas and visited his relatives in Ireland. In January 1986 he was appointed Parish Priest of Dulwich where he remained for 10 years. Here again his administrative and organisational skills came to the fore. In collaboration with the Pastoral Council he established a Parish Pastoral Team to assist with the various pastoral concerns of the parish and parishioners. In 2023 it would be called a very synodal initiative. A key aspect of John's ministry was knowing his parishioners - something no doubt he learned from his early experience with Mgr Skehan at Edwardstown, who was noted for his parish visitation. While at Dulwich he took special interest in St Patrick's Special School for children with special needs, inviting them where possible to join in parish activities. Another achievement was the publication of the history of the Dulwich-Burnside parish 1869-1993, entitled Rays of the Crucifix. In April 1998 Fr John was appointed Parish Priest of Kilburn. Throughout all this time he continued his involvement with the Catholic Deaf Association.Retirement Through 2003 Fr John's health was declining and he resigned as Parish Priest in August that year. In December he retired to live at Glengowrie with his faithful housekeeper, Mrs Roma Knapp, who first joined him at Glenelg and continued to care for him for just on 40 years. In retirement Fr John lived a life of simplicity, enjoying his garden and his beloved cat, Mary of Nazareth. He loved reading in spite of his failing sight, and he compiled a history of the Chambers' family. In February 2019 Fr John moved into care at the Murray Mudge Nursing Home in Glenelg. Soon after he was declared legally blind. Throughout this time Fr Kevin Taylor acted as his Power of Attorney and kept in regular contact offering great assistance and friendship. On July 1 2021 Fr John celebrated his Golden Jubilee with a special Mass at Our Lady of Victories Church at Glenelg, where he had been Parish Priest for many years. Seated at a portable altar in the sanctuary, Fr Chambers made a subtle reference to his health struggles: “Quite frankly I am surprised to be here with you today" he said. He paid tribute to all the “good people who have worked with me, supported me and encouraged me”. His former housekeeper, Roma, used to ring him every day to keep him in good spirits. After nearly four years at Murray Mudge unfortunately Fr John had a fall, breaking his hip, and he moved to Southern Cross Care at Bucklands Park on December 5 ,2022. And that is where he died peacefully on May 5, 2023. His funeral Mass was celebrated on May 11 at Our Lady of Dolours Church, Kingswood, the parish where his journey to priesthood began. Principal Celebrant was Fr Kevin Taylor and the Eulogy was delivered by Deacon Remo Patroni, who first knew Fr John in the Dulwich parish. He described him as gentle, faithful, humble, generous and one of nature's finest gentleman. He loved God and God in return made him an instrument of his love, reflecting God's love through him and to all those he encountered. A good number of the Deaf Community was present and the Mass was 'signed' by members of that community. John's remains were cremated and are placed in the Columbarium of the Glenelg Catholic Parish where he had been Parish Priest. They were interred on the August 4, 2023 the feast of St John Mary Vianney – to whom John had a great devotion. They were interred by Fr Kevin Taylor at a Private Ceremony which was John's final request. Family and friends visited the day after the interment. We commend him to the God of mercy, the God of peace. |